Berrien Springs Era from Berrien Springs, Michigan (2024)

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Berrien Springs Erai

Berrien Springs, Michigan

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THE ERA HKD McOW BE It iit WEDNESDAY DEC 28 1881 The story is started that Speak er Kcifer has made up his com mittees 'with an rye to being the candidate for Vice President in 1884 It that is true he is the first man who ever sought the Vice Presidency and he undoubt edly will not get it A movement is on foot to erect a statue to Daniel Webster in Washington Levi Bishop a prominent law yer of Detroit died last riday James Gordon Bennett may have his faults but there is no young man of wealth who spends 30 much money for science and for charity he Washington is as dull as a school house in vacation There are said to be about fif teen thousand applications before the postofficc about fifty for every one that will be va cant Congress should fire that Mor mon Cannon off A general conference of Prohi bitionists is called to meet in Chi cago on the first of next March Enterprising Pennsylvanians seek to get an insurance policy on life for their benefit Mayor Carleton of Port Huron makes an appeal for further help for the sufferers from fires The sum of $200000 is absolutely needed three great railroad lines arc rushing for the City of Mexico Two too many This railroad ex travagance will bring another pan ic as it did eight years ago The time will come when the men who are putting all this money in to ties and grades aud rails will wish they could get it out The abolition of the system of partial prepayment of postage on first class mail matter is being considered Guitcau the assassin announc ed to the court riday that he Jiad secured the services of Mr Charles Reed a well known Chicago lawyer to assist him and Scoville in his defense Two med ical experts testified that in theiropinion the assassin was sane now and at the i i nc he comm tt the crime The prisoner kept up his running fire of insolent com ment on the proceedings Amongother things he spoke of the deathof the juror wife as if the Lord had arranged that sad occurrenceon his account and that to ar range for his escape the Lord if necessary cause thedeath of a juror The St Gothard (Switzerland) tunnel was completed last week the last squad of workmen being paid off last riday A syndicate of some members of the Manhattan Club New York have purchased Opera House New York for $550000 It cost Both $1000000 I Newburgh assistant sec retary of the State Board of Pub lic Works of Columbus Ohio was arrested last Thursday for forging $4000 in vouchers ast women and gambling led to his ruin Kalamazoo is to be lighted by gas The Book of flonooM In the beautiful valley of Ten Mile in the southern pait of Washington county Pennsylva nia lives Mr Joseph Miller Sr now in his 83d year with whom a newspaper correspondent has had an interview Mr Miller is an elder in the Cumberland Pres byterian church and a man of unimpeachable veracity In an swer to the question if he knew Rev Solomon Spaulding the au thor of the of he quickly turned his face brighten ed as his mind ran back to the" events of the past and he said with considerable emphasis most certainly you ever read a copy of the work Some years he continued Hamilton a Presbyterian minister now liv ing at Stubcnville presented me with a copy which I read "Is it your opinion that ever read or heard read any portion of it before I am quite positive that I He then referred to a passage on page 148 which he said was so strange that at the time Mr Spaulding read it to him from his manuscript it fixed itself upon his memory and that he had nev er forgotten it He said that about 1812 Spaulding came to Amity a small village about five miles from his present home where he kept a hotel tht Spaulding was in delicate health and that he (Miller) often spent his evenings at his home there upon several occasions Mr Spaulding would bring out a large roll of papers and read se lect portions of their contents to amuse us of evenings He told me that he wrote it for a novel and intended to have it published as a means of support for his family He called it "The Lost Manuscript and said that he wrote it to pass away the tin when he was feeling unwell Im confide said Mr Miller "from what I know of Mr manuscript and the of Mor mon that Joseph Smith by some means got possession of the novel and made some changes in it and issued it by the name under which it is known to Mi Miller said that Spaulding was an enthusiastic archrcologist aud that he often indulged him self in the belief that the Ameri can continent was at one time by a colony of ancient Israelites and that his manuscript was only a fictitious history of the race which had built the mounds Mr Miller is the only man living at this time who was acquainted with Spaulding at least the only person who has any knowledge of the correct or igin of the "Book of or who ever heard it read from the lips of the author He said to the correspondent during his stay that as he neared the grave with but one breath between him and heaven he hoped that last breath might carry a message that would prevent people from being led into Mormonism that most seductive delusion ot the devil was a good said Mr Miller "and I would not cast a shadow on his memory for it never was his intention to'erc atc a false religion by anything that he wrote I attended him through his last illness and when death called him from earth 1 with my own hands made the coffin that contained his sleeping ashes He was buried in the churchyard of the village and his grave icmains unmarked while the work of his idle hours eighty yoars ago has grown in the coun try he dearly loved until the eyes ot the nation arc turned with honor upon its Genera! Count Ignatieff has ordered no expense to be spared by Russian Government officials bi attending to the wants of the of the Jeannette and in bringing them into the temperate atone Mr Bennett of the New York Herald has asked General Ignatieff to draw on him for any auras required for this purpose The crew arc located 4000 miles from St Petersburg and will take a traveler one month to reach traveling by wagon An energetic effort will be made to rescue the men who embarked the second cutter now missing Italy which has hitherto had a property qualification for the elec tive franchise based on the Eng lish system has taken a step for ward and made the only test the ability to read and write This test will shut out a large part of her adult male population but it Is a fair affd safe one fair because any mary who chooses can in a ah time relieve himself from the disability of ignorance and safe because the person it will exclude from the ballot are those who arc unfitted to use its privi leges with good judgment Postmaster General scheme for a two cent postage will rot be brought to a conclusion under his' immediate successor I A Religious Newspaper We desire to call the attention of our read ers to one of the greatest newspapers of the age one that best writers in this country and Europe regardless of expense has the best and fullest book reviews 1 any paper in the country has able articles upon financial subjects has departments edited by specialists and devoted to Einc Arts Music Science Religious Intelligence Missions School aud College Mews of the Week Hymn Notes the Sunday Schoo) Legal and Sanitary questions Biblical Research (some thing that cannot be found in any other news paper in the United States) Earm and Car den Insurance Weekly Market Repot ts etc in fact a newspaper fully suited to the re quirements of every family containing a fund of information which cannot be had in any other shape and having a wide circulation all over the country and in Europe We refer to The IndcjTcndent of New York largest the ablest the See advertise ment in an other column and send a postal card fur free specimen copy An Irishman looking at a set of mourning jewelry declared that it was just what Le would buy for his wife if she were a widow A Happy KMtorallou Portland Mich Aug 25 l38i If If Warner A Co: Sirs I most heart ily recommend ur Safe Kidney ami Liver Cure to all sufferers from urinary difficulties I owe my pre ent existence to its use Mathew Trouble not your head about the weather nor the government VETERINARY SURGEON A I) STOWE4 Veterinary Surgeon will treat nil diseases of the horse and will give special attention to with bad Icet Has' had many experience In the treatment ot the'liorte Can be found at Gorham's blacksmith shop Berrien npriugri 20 RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago Backache Soreness of the Cheat Bout Bui nay Sore Throat Spell ings and Sprains Burna and Scalds General Bodily Paine Tooth Tar and Headache retted eet and Eara and all other Paint and Aches Mo Preparation on earth eqnalB 8r Jacom Otk a aapr surf almplf aud cheap Extemal A trial entail bnt the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Ceitl and every one Miffartcg With pain can have cheap aud poalllve proof itolaitna Dir action In Devon Language BOLD BI ALL DBUQGI8T8 AID DEALEU II MEDICINE A VOGELER CO JIM Z7 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Test Cleanest and most Economical Hair iJreMtnr the youthful color to greyhair 50c and $1 euaaat ruggikU loreston Cologne GINGERTONIC Jf you are a lawyer minister or business man ei hausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not take intoxicating stimulants but use Parker's Ginger 'Ionic If you have Dyspepsia Rheumatism Kidney ar Urinary Complaints or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs stomach IkjwcIs blood or nerves you can be cured by Parker's Ginger Tonic Ifyouare wasting away from age dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take 1 ng kr 'I onic at once it will invigorate and build von up from the first dose but will never intoxicate lit has saved hundreds of lives it may ave your HLSroX A CO lf3 William St New Turk Kto dollar ils 1 11 dealer in wirtilriur GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE 4'icligm nxt nlgyl THE INDEPENDENT The fere most 1 elisions newspaper ef the United Joseph Cook Ehlfiblislicd in ISIS as an Ivocate of anti stivorv nnl of i efnnin In religion and politics Til at once became a rccog nizo'l power throughout Lite country I tain fl lienee has ov er hIucc been conxta ntly grow ing Ah it has fought against slavery and for cheap so it will light against Mormon iHin for Cis II Service Reform and for purity in politics nml general uprightness in all thing employs the best editorial talent and speaks fearlessly on all snbjeclH It pays for eon tribute! articles and for editorial services more than double the amount paid by any other weekly newspa per 1 1 publishes nmre religious discussions than the religions nniewn more poetry and atones than Hie popular monthlies and gh ea morn information th in an annual encyclopedia The long a blc iap'i Ldma recently pn Id Ishml from the great Methodist Council in Lr Tidon are good Illustration ot what The I Is Constan I doing A list of the moat pro mi mint religious and philosophical writers poets amt Story writers in the country is a full list of the cmitributers of The I 'iliKfENUKST Beai lea I he apa set aside for I lieae riters and for editorials there are twenty two dis tinct departments edited by venty two spe cialists which Incliidi Biblical Hescarch San itary Legal Emo Arts usic Science Pel hies Personalities Mil isterial Kegialer HymnKotos School and College Literature Kelig ions Intelligence Missions School News of the Week inance Commerce Insur ance storic Puzzles and Agriculture 32 I Illi Otcr iv Tar dis or 882 One subscript ion one year oO or 6 months fl 50 for3 months 0 75 One subscription two years ft 00 One an bacri ption wit one NEW an bserlb er in one remit tance ft 00 One sii bsc rl pt ion with wo EW mi bar rib era in one remittance 00 One su liar ri pt ion with three sub scribers In one remlttam ft 50 One subscription with tour bu bserlb era in one remittance 10 00 One an bscriutmn fix years 10 00 Any ntitnbcrover five at the rate Invariably atone remittance These i cd need prices 02 pcrannnm in clubs of live or m02c) are very much lowe ithuD ny of tic standard religious weeklies Subscribe with your friends find get the low rates Wo offer no pri miiims Contrary to the custom of all the religions newspapers Tire Independent will hereafter be stopped at the end of the time for winch payment i made Mend postal card for free spocimci) copy and Judge for voursclf Address TH 15 INDEPENDENT Stf I Hi'iln'ii)f New York City Ilorrleii hrt prinjcR LUMBERYARD Mill and Yard oot of erry St You will find all kinds BuildingMateral looring Ceilings Battans Lath Shingles Dressed Lumber Pine encing Studding Barn Boards Joice Lime aii Brick famished to order Orders by mail will receive prompt atteatloa Highest price paid for ash white wood oak walnut bass wood elm cherry etc in tiinlier standing or in the log delivered on yard or on the river bank above the bridge Custom Sawing of all kinds Gumming Saws etc etc PRICES REA SO NA BLE II Mattmswa Berrien Springe or 23 1870 Adrall Goods COMPLETE ASSORTMENT DRY GOODS CLOTHING HATS BOOTS SHOES GROCERIES HARDWARE OIL CLOTHS CARPETS ETC Pure Uncolored Japan Teas a Specialty Try them AMERICAN SEWING MACHINES AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES A KEPHART BR 10inf ChromoCards with Namor25 ea a 1 Oc a 1 1 Ca i (Jo a aa 1H82 with Improved Ul(iru rrCO interest Table Calendar TJ etc Sent to any address on receipt of two throe cent Stamp Address CIlAULKS HIRES 48 itelaws re A ve Phil Ake fattl or warn tod Lha bast aa4 akaaftoM indiaaaaaabia to ararv toanettllad Ua oa a lAto arJMfPrwaeraaUoa la SnaaC rance KMiia amboaaad Wins baaaufal atoaf eacnvmgi hit praaarrp aa pnaa only tlS by mail Ulaatntod aanpla 4 aastte aaad aowAddrwaa Peabody Mad ffVnW VUvJirl iol laamotaor Or PAA LU Uff laIaLLJKKRa4BWA Aoatna McAlisters ALL HEALING! ALL HEALING! OINTMENT This remarkable Ointment contain no Mor curml or other mineral substance mid nothing can be found In ill coinimnilion that can injury tiie lender infant ortinduly affect the aged or inlirm Being a Vegetable Preparation the ALL IIEALIKu ODTMEXT will never in jure you but may be used willi impunity by ALL Ils healing jHiwers are womlerful and the great rcpuialiuii it ha acquired during the past 35 years speaks volumes of praise fur its merits THIS OINTMENT HAS TII POWER TO CAUSE ALL EXTERNAL I Sores Scrofulous Humori Cutaneous Erup tmiiH Uniiini'in Itch elon and Wounds to discharge tlicir putrid matter ami a boronri hrnliiiK process follows Burns and ScMblsnie instantly relieved Chapped Hands feet rosteil 1m bs an1 tut "In ins a re prompt ly cured Salt Rheum Barners llich iChik Worm Ac nre speedily erad ica led A a a remedy for QI I 0 rice ents per box It is a Spot iflc I (CO byall Ornggista or mailed free on receipt 2 by HALL BUCK EL Druggists 118 Gracnwich BEAUTIUL OHG AN the NcwStvIe No 12xX) '27 Stops 10 full set Holden Tongue roods SOLID WALNUT Highly Polished Case New and Valuable Im provoments just added Stool Book Boxed and delivere I on board cars here price only Sixty Dollars Net Cash Satisfaction guaranteed guaranteed in every pa rliciilar or money refunded afiorone use Every one sobt sells another It isa standing adver tisem*nt Order at onre Nothing saved by corrssjion'lonce My new factory Just coni pleted va a it 2 "00 'instruments every 20 days very latest labor sav ing machilu rv Vast cap ital enables me to manufacture better goods for less monev than ever Address or call up on DANIELE BE 5TTY Washington ffl 1 THE MOST POPULAR 0 SEWING MAEHINESjjl 18 MTtfi SG 11 HM Sj8il i lkJTlsuf' I HAH NO $)Xalways 3 q'2OnEfi fl lst LIETIME surpasses Others I ao UNION 6QNEW YORK 0 ILL DE St Joseph Mich '21 CHAS BESHENS Itfaiiufiicturer nd Dealer i st llantie i ml (I ul Ch util a i it Okrerhobcc Laml Co 50000 SAvves $10 Vue At PAK viilh a BONUS of 4 I Acres for each 10 shares Iroint home land of the Di ton Purchase (iPirv I Third Chestnut Sts 1 15 Broad way Ilonins 1 111 13 Detailed Prospectus with descriptive maps! ree Tr OICE BANK DESKS I TTIXG8 ETC ETC Also SETTEES and OPERA CHAIRS for Halls Churches of jiest style and finish Add ress Mann fn nt lire fs A ANDREWS A CO UHICAGO PENSIONS THAT MUSICAL WONDERI TU MECHANICAL ORCUINETTIt frwteal Maaical i nvr lion th MT Any per won en perform pea It with the apparent akin of a mailer all eacred eoeularanular and daaee muale Eqaallr auitable for the homea4 or ehnreh Admirably adapted for the ball roomplen toexeurtioa partlaaata iot ruction raqalred Ttneet10 930 and apward Beware of wortbtoat Imitation with almliar AamM Agent wanted Knterprlalng man mate per day Illustrated Catalogue fraa LYON A HEALY Beware Harnesses AND Saddles Jlerrlon Mprlnjgw Mleh HORSE JEWELRY Of every Description A Lare Stock of Whips Waiters Combs Brushes Constantly on hand Collars warranted not to make th XXorses shoulders ore Oak tanned Leath used for all Harr 48 Conde fined TTiirnoKai OH Etc CALL AND SEE ME (tf DAILY NO DUST! NO MUD! The Upper Cabin Side Whcl PASSENGER STEAMER raud BENSON'S MAY GRAHAM Will make DAILY TRIPS between Berrien Springs St Joseph and Benton Harbor CAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED And their excellent reputation in jured by worthies imitations The Public are cautioned against buy ing Plasters having similar Bound ing names Seo that the word CAPCITT i correctly spelled Capcine Porous Plasters Icn ving St Joseph at 7 a Returning will leave Berrien Springs nt 3 connecting at St Joseph with boats for Chicago and all trains North and south AKE Ben len Surlnga to Chicago tl 75 Round Trip 00 A GRAHAM CO: rroprlatora At SO DKALKB8 IK Lumber Lath Lime And all kind of uilding Mater ia Yard at foot of erry Street Berrien Spring DA VID ESSICKS MEAT MARKET Turkeys Chickens PORK BEE SAUSAGE LARD DRIED BEE SMOKED HAM All kinds of SALT ISIISALI MEAT Caih for Poultry Hides and Pelts DAVID ESSICK AL AY irst publication 7th Decern 'JoqISSl tpSTATEO CATHKRTXE MIAUs j24 Dcctiael State Jof Michigan County of Berrien Probale Court for said County Atase'slon of the Court for mild county held nt the Prolaitc otllrc in tho viilngc Berrien Springs on Monday the llflli day of December In the year of our Doni one Ilion san I eight linndred ami clgliiyone Present Alexander Leeds Judge of Probate luthe matter ot the estate ofCathcnno Minrade I Charles Nichols adminis tratorof said estate comes in to court and rep resents Ibat he I now prepared to lender Bun 1 account as such administrator mon ill ordered that ri lay the loth da of December Instant at ten in the fire noon lai assigned for examining and nllowng such account and that the heirs at law of aid deceased and all other persons Intero icd Ir said estate are reqiiin to appear al a so si of said court then to be holden nt the Probuo office in the village of Berrien Springs In said countv anil show canso if any there be jrhy the account honld not udallowcd: And It Is further ordered that as Id administrator give notice to the persons Interested in iudl estate of the endency of said iceount and tho hcarlpgiheveof by using ctpy of this order to 1ms published tn the Berrien SprlngB Era a ncwsinper printed and circulating in said county three successive weeks previous to said of hearing (A true copy L8 AlEtlAN DER iEEIK edge of ProUtie RESTAUR ANT! OV 7 ATE EUROPEA STYLE Warm Mealsand Lunches at all hours at reasonable prices Buchanan Trash Broad rod Cookies received daily Coffees Teas Canned Goode ruita and Confectionary Sonp Starch Baking Powder Pepner ustanl Ac Seif Raising Ruokwheat always to be bad at my place Opposite Hardware A AYMAW Michijan CentraHailroafl Table TRAINS EAST Stations Acotn INig Ex A A Chicago Dcp 7 00 900 1 0 5 15 9 10 Kensington 7 50 9 50 4 30 6 05 10 00 Lake 8 X5 10 27 5 13 6 50 10 40 Midi Citv 25 11 13 6 00 7 33 1133 New Buffalo 9 50 11 33 6 1155 Three Oaks 10 03 6 40 am Buchanan 10 JO 7 (' 12 52 Niles 10 45 12 18 7 22 9 00 P2 45 Dowagiac 11 13 8 1 Decatur 11 39 8 33 37 Law ton 11 55 8 53 1 55 Kalamazoo 12 33 1 33 9 30 10 25 2 30 Galesburg 12 53 Battle Creek IB 15 11 08 3 30 Marshall 2 17 3 00 11 33 3 4G Albion 2 48 3 21 11 55 4 12 a a Jackson 3 10 4 03 7 15 11 40 5 00 Jackson Jc 3 49 7 19 Grass Lake 4 10 7 40 5 25 Chelsea 4 35 8 03 5 50 Dexter 5 00 8 17 6 00 Ann Arlair 5 22 3 07 8 40 2 04 6 25 Ypsilanti 6 38 6 23 8 56 2 20 6 41 Wavne June 6 03 8 45 9 17 2 44 7 05 June 6 35 6 15 9 45 3 1 5 7 Detroit Ar 6 50 6 30 10 00 3 35 8 00 TRAINS Stations Day Expr'u Exp' A A Detroit Lv 7 00 35 5 05 i 50 8 00 Jun 7 15 9 65 6 10 to 10 15 Wayne Jc 7 10 74 6 44 io 40 45 Ypsilanti 8 20 10 45 7 05 02 08 Ann 8 40 11 00 7 14 Hi H5 Dexter 9 04 7 48 Chelsea 9 21 8 05 i 00 Grass Lake 9 50 8 32 11 01 ip Jackson I 10 10 8 55 Jackson 10 12 11 0 X5 1J OO Albion 11 04 12 50 1 1G 11 55 Marahall 11 1X0 1 37 12 20 Knl a Battle Creek 12 19 1 65 Accoru 2 12 47 Galesburg 12 53 1 17 a Kalamazoo 1 13 38 4 60 2 45 I 35 Lawton 1 53 5 25 2 13 Decatur 3 07 5 12 2 33 Dowagiac 2 29 6 07 3 67 Niles 3 4 04 6 85 4 07 3 27 Budianan 06 7 oj 3 42 Three Oaks 7 27 4 12 New Buffalo 8 SI 4 52 7 10 435 Mich City 4 23 5 18 8 OS 6 28 5 03 Lake 5 IJ 6 18 8 54 6 IS 5 51 Kensington 6 00 7 9 45 7 10 8 40 Chcaigo Ar 6 80 fi 0 10 35 8 00 7 30 to MSI business now before the pub to lie You (an make money fast VW jd 1 Jto I er nt work tor us than at an KwBwSr I thing clac Capital not needed We will stnrt you $12 a day and 11 iw a rd a mad 0 at home by the Indus! riois Men women Isays and girls wanted every wbere to work lor us Now is the time You cun work in spare time only or give your whole time Io tho businor You cn live at home and do the work No oth er business will pay you nearly as well No onccan fail to make enormous pay by engag ing atonccCoatl outfit a nd terms trecMoney made last easil a nd honorably Address 45 TRUK Co Augusta Maine GEORGE CLAAR Hprlntfis NI1jD PHAIKX IX irst publication 7th Iiocemlier 185L testate of norm an Kellogg (loreign) Deceased btate of 1 iehigan county of Pcrrien At a session of the ProUito Court tor Mid county held at the Probatu office In Hie village of Ber rien Springs on Monday the 5ih da of Decem ber in tlie year one thousand eight hundred anl eighty one Present Alexnn ler Leeds Judge ot Proliate In the nuitlerof tho estate of Norinnn KcL logg deccnecd On refilling and tiling the pe tition duly vcriflied ot Caroline Kellogg by Chandler Richards Km her attorney praying that an 11 11 1 he nt ica ted copy of the Last Will an I Testament of said deceased and the certificate of prolxite thereof in the Probate Court for ho county of Berkshire in the State of Sl'tssachiiset ts in ty In? fillnwed mid admit toil to probate in the Probate Court Hie County of Berrien nforoMi I nnd that letters testamentary may be granted to Caroline Kellogg Thereupon it Is ordered that Tuesday the third day of January next ni ton o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for the hearingof said petition amt that tho heirs nt la of sunt deceased and all other persons interealdd in said estate are rei Ired to nppearat session of said court then to be hot en In the office in the village of Berrien Springs mvt show cause if any there be why the prayer of be et It toner should not be granted: Audit is further ordered Hint said petitioner give no ice to the persons interested in said estate of he pen lency of said pet 1 1 ion and the hear ing thereof by causinga copy of this or ler to be iu bl I hol in the Berrien Springs Era newsixiper pi luted and circulate! in said county three mh'Ciisiivh weeks previous to snidday of hearing (A true copy) isj ALEXANDER LEED4 Judge of Probate List publication 28 December 18si irst publication 7th December TT1 STATE CAROLINE BACON Deceased State of Mirliigin Countv' of Berru Notice hereby given tliat by an order of the I court Lr tiie county of B01 rien marto on the third day of December A 1881 Hr months train 1 he seventh day of November A 1881 uere allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estate of Caroline Bacon late of said countv deceased and that all creditors of said docons nre required to present theirrlanns to said Probate Court at the Prolate office in the village of Bcrriea bprings for examination ami allowance on or before the thir I day of Juno next and that such claims will be'lieard before said Court on tin' second day of March 1881 and on Satnr Iny the thir day of June 188 next nt ten o'clock in tne forenoon of each of llioscdays Dated 3 i December I) I88 ALEXANDER It LEEDS udge ot Probate Last pnbli' ntion 4th January 1882 irst publication ili November 1831 yjORTGAGE SA LE De fnult having Lccn mndo In the conditions of a certain im rigagc mndo by Eininn Stv ens to TVill'am Ray Unlcd June 21t A 1871 and recorded 111 the office of the Register of Deed for the county of Berrien and Stats of Michigan on the thirtieth day of June A Ifi'i in Liber 10of Morigngcs 'on page 85 its 4 winch said mortgage wns dul assigned bv Wil llnm Ray to Zllphii Anderson bv ags men! bearing date April J3lh Port and record cd in said ofiee ot Rcgistorol Deeds April 1511 ls78ln Liber 21 ol Morl ge 011 page 118 on widen mortgage there i elaimed to be du at the date ot this not ice for principal interetl and attorney fee provided for in said niortgag tnesumof three hundred mid si xty one asd Mi lffiHlu'lar aud no suit or procecilngsat law liaving been inatit tiled to recoi er the moneys secured by sail mortgage or any part thereof Now tliot fore by virliieof the powerof contained in said mortgage ami tie tH tut such case madeaml provided notice is hereby given iial on TUESDAY EBRUARY 7ll A a two 111 1 a 1 1 ernooi) I shall sell at public auction to tiie highest bidder at th ironl door ot 1 he Cmirt House in Br Hen Suring (that being tho place a her the (lrciiit Court lor Berrien county is holden) the piemlsea describe! ia said mortgage or so much thereof ns may necessary to pay he muon 11 1 ue on said imirtg age and all legal costs together with mi lee the premises bring ileacribed ia said mortgage as a II hat certain piece and par cctof hind situate in the town of Lincoln the county of Berrien and Mato of Michigan and know ttnd deserihcd as follows: Com mencing at a point on the seclion line twenty rods soiiih of the north cnst corner of th north east ijuai terof the south east quarter section number fifteen of township ntimhr live south 01 range number nineteen wet run ning tlmm'e south twenty nine rods tbnc west eighty rods thence nortli twonty nin rods thence oast eighl rods to the pine of ginning being part of sal I north eiut quarter of aoiilh eiist quarter ami containing lourta and one half acres of Innd Dated Novem her 1881 ANDERSON IKTlS WTUKKN Alg Attorney tor Assignee Last publication 4 ebruary 1839 Heavy and She Hardware Building Materials Oook Hoatixi Stoves ROBE of all sizes Agricultural Tools Building Materials Grn nd ancy Wire Cloth for Mosquil lioutj Pocket and Table Cutlery Tl Cepper Iron Ware INCONSTANTDEMAND A STAPLE ARTICLE SELLING OREVER THE REVISED NEW TESTAMENT AGENTS WANTED to reiicinber tliat we offer them tho LOWEST greatest variety and terms outfit only Ml cents slmwing EIGHT different styles and price including new Parallel Edition with ItothOLD AND NEW VERSIONS SIDE Bl' SIDE tor coiniarion Addies THE REVISION PUBLIRHERS 87 11 55 5th 8t Cincinnati NEW RICH BLOODI Pwrfr4ro J4I1 make New Rich Blood and will eomplo ely clianga the blood in khe entirosytcm la three month Anvjveron who will take 1 pill each night from to II week tn ay le restored toaonnd health if uch a thing be possible Sent hr msll for 8 letter stamp JOHJfnON At CO notion Mb formarty Jtnnyor JK AGENTS WANTED tins MaeUiste vr lnrntei will knit pair oftoctinga wiia HKKXc cad TDE complet la tD minute It wilt also kilt a great variety of fncy vort fnc which tbrl ready market tar circular and term Un Twimblf JKnitUag MeMlan Wag ingtoti St Borton Mau irst publication 28 December 1881 jSTATE DAVID LOR deceased state ot Michigan Countyi of Berrien ss At a aeanion of the Probate (Join for said county held a 1 ho office in the village of Berrien Springs on Monday the 2Gth day of December In the year one thousand eight hun dred mid eighty one Present Alexander IL Leeds Jmlgeof Probate In the mat terof ths ale of David Lord deceased On rending and tiling tiie petition duly verified of A ibert Lor I pray ing ihnln cerrain ins! riunont now on tile in inis court purporting to bo the last will and testament of said deceased may bead milled to prolKito and tluit administration of gad (State wlli the will ann inny bo grat cl to Alary Aiofdortosomcottiuriilta person Therenp it ia ordered Unit Mon ty the 23 I day of January a sn ihu f(renMn lie laslgnod forilie heailngof said petition an I that the heirs at law of said deceased il nil lliur persons Interested in said cats tu nre required to appevr nt seioii siii'l court then to be holden at the Probata office in tho village' ot Berrien Springs jnd snow cause it any tlieiu lie by tiie prayer of the petitioner should not bo granted And it Is further ordered that said petitioner glv no tico to the persons interested Inhnld estateif the pendency ol said petition and the hearing theroof i emtsingn copy of this order to be pnblUJied in the Berrl in Springs Era a news Di ler pi ini cd and circulated in snll county three sttcceSsh weeks previous to said day of Iteming (A true copy) 1 1 8 A L'E A DER 1)) edge of Probnto Last publication 18tli January 1 482 WM STAHL URNHURE DEALER UNDERTAKEB Are the only improvement over npade in Plasters One to worth more than adosen of any other kind Will positively cure where other remedies will not even relieve Price 35 cents Beware of cheap Plasters made with lead poison SEABURY A JOHNSON Manufacturing Chemists New York AT IAKT Price 96c to Ahead'S MksM conxvd bunion hmter oy farther information onquiro of Georg Alorton 52 PATENTS continue to act as Solid tore for Patent Caveeto Trade Marks Copyright etc for the United Stole Caniada Cuba England rance Germany etc Wq Jumi bad thirty five year! experience i Patent obtained through us are noticed in the SCI kxnne AXtRtCAN This large and splendid illus trated week ly paper $320 a year show the Progrm of Science la very Intereating and ba an enormoua circulation Address MUNN A CO Patent Solici tor ot ScitMTirm American 87 Park Mow Hew York Band book about Iatent free CUIDE to SUCCESS WITH OR ORMS i BY AR th isinetaand Social GuM and Hand Book vr published Much the 1st eat la toil ereryfrody completely HOWTO DO ER YT1 I KG iiv the beat way How to be Your nwn Lawyer How to do Buainea irrectlv and aiicces ullv Howto act in Bo ciely and in every part of life and contain a gold mine of vartod information Indlspcnsible to nil clasiea forconatant reference AGENTS WANTED for all or jare tlm To know why th1 book of real value and attraction 11 batter than any other apply forterin to DOUCLAJMBROA A PAYNE Ulneianati Burial Cases Caskets Handles Hobes Old Caps Slip per die dee Aarfit for trilon Sprhiffflclil and Sinff 7 1 rp Mfirhlnpn send Srno DAVIDLANDRETH PHILA 1 'JL 'W WJ "4M fc i 0 I I 1 1.

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.