Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (2024)

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Why Do Bodybuilders Avoid Dairy?

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Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (1)

Why do bodybuilders avoid dairy? I would think that its high protein punch would make it popular with body builders..
Dairy isn’t nearly as bad as junk food. However, some body builders avoid it because it contains so much fat..
You can get low fat dairy..
Other body builders avoid it because it contains so much sugar. You eat it, it fails to fill you up, and you’re hungry and tired in a few hours..
Then why do so many body builders use whey? That’s dairy..
To a degree, yes. Milk is 20% whey..
So why not drink the milk instead?
Whey contains all the protein of milk but is more digestible. And you don’t have to drink much whey powder in water relative to an equivalent amount of milk..
And I guess whey powder doesn’t go bad..
And you don’t have to keep several gallons of milk in the fridge to power your workouts..
Everyone needs some sugar to live. There isn’t much sugar in milk..
That’s true if you’re drinking one glass. But body builders need a lot of protein, and five servings of milk starts taking it too far..
Are there any body builders who can’t handle dairy?
Sure, anyone with a milk allergy or lactose intolerance..
Those are the same thing..
No, a milk allergy is an allergic reaction while lactose intolerance is a lack of the digestive enzyme to break down milk..
But both groups have to avoid milk..
That’s true whether they are body builders or not..
But other body builders could eat cottage cheese and skim milk as part of their diets..
There are jokes about how no one wants to eat cottage cheese as part of their diet. And how a fridge full of cottage cheese means they lose weight because there is nothing they’ll eat in the fridge..
It’s healthier than packing away a pint of chocolate ice cream..
Which would ruin anyone’s diet.

Video taken from the channel: Muscle Head

Milk and Bodybuilding Is Milk Good For Bodybuilding?

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Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (2)

You can actually gain SLABS of rock-solid muscle, eat like a KING, and finish with abs even more defined in just 21 short days:
@0:15 When it comes to bulking, is drinking tons of milk a good way to go? or maybe just eating enough calories meaning 4,000..
@1:29 I am in a bulking phase, but I really like surfing. How can I manage doing both without any interference? I still want to build muscle..
@3:04 Just finished college and now I am on my own. Any advice for someone just learning to grocery shop and cooking their own meals? My culinary skills are non-existent. My primary focus is packing on muscle using a relatively clean bulking approach..
@4:40 I want to increase my lean mass without gaining a lot of weight. Do I need to still bulk and then cut to accomplish this? Your thoughts please..
@5:57 Hey Vince, I put on 3kg of fat and 5% body fat in 1 week’s time coming off from a CKD(cutting) according to a Tanita body composition analyzer machine. Is that possible? How could I be in a in a 23100 calorie surplus over 1 week’s time? I weigh 116lbs now and was only 108lbs last week. Originally wanted to move to maintenance after the cutting, what should I do?
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Vince Del Monte.
Muscle Building Coach, Author, Model.
Imagine for a moment, that it’s 21 days from today and you’ve already added 2 inches to your chest, an inch to your arms, broader shoulders and up to 12 pounds of rock-solid muscle to your frame..
Guys are asking you “what you’re on” and girls are giving you… that look…
There is one problem we must address right now….

Video taken from the channel: Vince Del Monte

MILK for LEAN GAIN | Good or Bad | Honest Advice by Guru Mann

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Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (3)

Watch honest advice by fitness expert Guru Mann on “MILK” Facts for Bodybuilding..
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Video taken from the channel: Guru Mann Fitness

Drink Raw Milk for Muscle Gains

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Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (4)

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Video taken from the channel: STRENGTH CAMP

MILK Destroyer Of Health or Ultimate Muscle Building Food?

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Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (5)

Controversial subject Jerry Ward imparts information which clearly describes milk as a nearly toxic health wrecker, while Jason Blaha says milk is an incredible muscle building super food. Who’s right?

Video taken from the channel: James Tiny Vest

Using Milk To Build Muscle | How I Used Milk To Get Big

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Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (6)

If used effectively, milk can be an excellent source of protein and calories in order to build muscle. In this video, I outline some of the advantages of milk and how I have leveraged these in order to maximise my gains..
Note, milk doesn’t have to be a staple of your diet for the rest of your lifting career, or even 2 years. One can use milk for a short burst period of, for example 3-6 months in order to maximise gains for that period and then come off of the milk, if you are concerned about the health aspect of drinking milk..
To be completely honest, many of the “health concerns” surrounding milk are merely speculative conspiracy theories based on no scientific research or evidence whatsoever. Human beings in Europe and the Middle East have been drinking milk for 13,000 years and the human body is an extremely adaptable organism, hence the reason humans from these regions were able to develop a tolerance to lactose..
Nonetheless, I myself don’t intend to drink milk forever, I use it at the moment because it is a cost effective way to build muscle. When I’m no longer poor I will decrease my milk consumption to only 1-2 litres. I also forgot to mention in the video that I do have rest days where I drink either no milk at all or some days like the day I’m posting this video where I have no more than 1.5 litres..
Before I expound the strengths of milk, a notable proponent of milk is Stan “Rhino” Efferding, world record holding powerlifter and the world’s strongest pro bodybuilder. It is also rumoured that 3 time world’s strongest man winner Bill Kazmaeir, would drink 4 litres of water a day during his competing days..
So milk is comprised of 2 proteins, it is 20% whey, and 80% casein. Whey is a fast acting protein that throws the kitchen sink at you straight away and burns out within 1.5 hours, you can call it the “premature ejacul*tor” of proteins. On the other hand, casein is a slow release protein, it really takes its time and hits you with a steady chain of amino acids for up to 7 hours, you can call casein the “marathon man” of proteins..
In order to maximise the effects of casein one should drink milk either before bed, or when one is expecting to go a long period without eating. In the former case, you are letting the casein work on you while you sleep, which is when your muscles are in their highest state of growth. In the latter case, you are keeping yourself anabolic when you can’t consume solid foods and preventing yourself from going catabolic..
While the quantities of milk I currently drink fluctuate between 1.5 4 litres. Like I said earlier, in the future I will be reducing these quantities not because of any solid evidence that milk is dangerous, but just because of the uncertainty generated by the paranoia around milk..
I hope you found my video on milk helpful and informative, like it if you did. If you feel this video could benefit someone you know, share it. Have a look at the rest of my videos and if you like them, subscribe to my channel, most weeks I will deliver 2 videos a weeks..
Thank you for watching and reading..
Music: Divine ft Foux Chains

Video taken from the channel: Hypertrophy

Is Milk a Muscle Building Super food? Does milk help us to build muscle and lose fat

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Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (7)

Milk has been long touted as a bodybuilding mass gainer. From Charles Atlas, to John Grimek, to Reg Park, to Steve Reeves. All claiming milk is a muscle building super food! There is even a popular mass gaining bodybuilding program that combines a gallon of milk everyday with regular squats to help build muscle. Now despite all of its benefits as a mass gainer there are some studies that so it can help us lose weight too..
High dairy diets and waist to hip ratios.
Weight loss on a high dairy diet

Video taken from the channel: Fit and 50

Milk is unique in that it contains two types of high-quality protein, which each possess different characteristics. The combined proteins in milk make it an ideal drink for bodybuilders, particularly when used after workouts. Milk: Two Types of Protein. The protein in milk is 20 percent whey and 80 percent casein.While liquid cow’s milk is a questionable food choice for bodybuilders, the good news is that you can still get enough calcium from vegetables, and you can use milk proteins from quality protein powders to build muscle and enhance health.

While breast milk supplies all the nutrition a newborn baby requires, an adult—especially a bodybuilder with high protein needs—should look elsewhere. “Technically, there hasn’t been research on.Many bodybuilders associated consumption of milk with gaining fat. It is true that dairy products actually may actually cause weight gaining since even low-fat products contain a high number of calories.

That’s why a milk-based diet is often recommended for hardgainers (people who find it.According to the USDA, 8 ounces of human breast milk contains about 2.5 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat, 172 calories and 16 grams of carbs — decidedly less protein per ounce than cow’s milk. But bodybuilders know this.

It’s not the protein they’re after; it’s the human growth hormone present in human breast milk.If you calculate that 20 percent of milk protein is whey, then drinking 2 gallons supplies me with 30 grams of whey, which is how much most companies recommend you use post-workout. Now most bodybuilders get more protein from different sources, including powders, but getting in an extra serving free seems like a good deal.Indeed, some bodybuilding bros say they actually tried it — effectively cutting out all other fluids while they chugged whole milk and packed on dairy weight.

I pretty much only drink milk and barely have any water intake. from gainit.Been reading Muscle mag and it seems that none of these big builders drink milk. their meal plans consists of mainly chicken, rice, beef, whey. none of them in this mag i reading say milk. they also limite their water intake on competition days (to not look bloated) i been drinking 2 gallons of milk weekly for 5 months now.Consuming whole milk can help slow protein absorption and reduce inopportune insulin releases.

Often bodybuilders turn to skim milk because it provides more protein per calorie. But that doesn’t necessarily make it a better choice.Some bodybuilders claim breast milk helps build muscle mass more than any other food.

Breast milk is actually much lower in protein than cow’s milk, and bodybuilders, specifically large men, need much more protein. Buying breast milk online has other downsides — it’s expensive, risky, and hard to come by.Aug.

8, 2007 Drink milk after your weight training workouts, and you may gain more muscle and lose more body fat than if you drink a soy or carbohydrate drink, according to.Raw milk may have a greater protein and fat content, but it’s considered unsafe to drink as it’s not pasteurized. Skim milk has less fat and carbs with a decent amount of protein, but even so, if a bodybuilder is lactose intolerant then drinking milk will ultimately do more harm than good.Drink a total of at least 3 cups of nonfat milk daily, including the 1 to 2 cups you drink after every workout.

This will add approximately 300 calories to your diet and 24 g of protein. According to, you should aim to consume 1 1/2 g of protein for each pound of body weight daily to gain muscle mass.MILK AND FAT LOSS.

Over the years, we’ve seen mixed feedback on whether you should drink milk while dieting. Many bodybuilders tell us they avoid all milk products before a show, but researchers say consuming dairy products regularly can help you lose fat.The most popular bodybuilding message boards! well muscle milk is a slow absorbing protein, so dont take it after your workout, i would suggest you just pick up a tub of whey protein, it has just as much protein as muscle milk fewer calories and is absorbed faster with no saturated fats, but if your going to take mm anyways id say best time to take it is at night right before you go to bed, or.

List of related literature:

Even milk, which has good-quality protein and other positive nutritional factors, appears to induce an exercise enhancement effect comparable to common

Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (8)
fromAdvanced Sports Nutrition
by Dan Benardot
Human Kinetics, Incorporated, 2011

There is support for the use of milk-derived proteins to improve muscle growth and repair over other proteins.

Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (9)
fromFunctional and Speciality Beverage Technology
by P Paquin
Elsevier Science, 2009

Since these protein drinks are made from milk proteins, that makes sense.

Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (10)
fromThe New Rules of Lifting: Six Basic Moves for Maximum Muscle
by Lou Schuler, Alwyn Cosgrove
Penguin Publishing Group, 2005

It was gym-socially acceptable to drink a gallon of milk during a workout alone, or pop 200 protein pills per day.

Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (11)
fromMuscle, Smoke, and Mirrors
by Randy Roach
AuthorHouse, 2008

Likewise, using fat-free milk as the protein source, Hartman and colleagues190 observed greater increases in type II muscle fiber area and FFM when compared with calorie-matched carbohydrate or soy protein beverages when consumed immediately following each exercise bout and again 1 hour later.

Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (12)
fromAthletic and Sport Issues in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation E-Book
by David J. Magee, James E. Zachazewski, et. al.
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2010

A 2001 study at the University of Texas found that lifters who drank a shake containing amino acids and carbohydrates before working out increased their protein synthesis (their ability to build muscle) more than lifters who drank the same shake after exercising.

Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (13)
fromThe New Abs Diet: The 6-week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life
by David Zinczenko, Ted Spiker
Rodale Press, 2010

That means that, after the training sessions, milk or whey proteins are preferable as they result in rapidly increased aminoacidemia.

Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (14)
fromNutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance: Muscle Building, Endurance, and Strength
by Debasis Bagchi, Sreejayan Nair, Chandan K. Sen
Elsevier Science, 2013

Milk protein supplements are popular among recreational gym users seeking to increase muscle mass, but there is also research interest in whether milk protein ingestion in conjunction with resistance exercise may be beneficial for individuals with sarcopenia.

Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (15)
fromMilk Proteins: From Expression to Food
by Mike Boland, Harjinder Singh, Abby Thompson
Elsevier Science, 2014

That is why bodybuilders who drink large quantities of milk tend to look smooth and fat.

Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (16)
fromFranco Columbu’s Complete Book of Bodybuilding
by Franco Columbu
Creators Publishing, 2017

Overall, milk has been proven to be an effective recovery beverage for athletes of all ages and levels.

Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (17)
from100 Questions and Answers about Sports Nutrition & Exercise
by Lilah Al-Masri, Simon Bartlett
Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2010

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Should Bodybuilders Drink Milk - Nutrition | (2024)


Should bodybuilders drink milk? ›

So, is milk good for building muscle? Milk is a good source of protein along with many other nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, vitamins B2 and B12, making it a worthwhile option to aid muscle growth and maintenance.

Why don't bodybuilders eat dairy? ›

The answer is NO! Milk, especially raw milk, contains lactose, a carbohydrate that can cause digestive problems such as cramps, diarrhea, and even bloating. In fact, many bodybuilders who consume dairy products experience side effects like these.

Is 2% milk good for building muscle? ›

Milk is a high-quality protein, meaning that it has all the essential amino acids your body needs to repair tissues. What's more, milk has the branched-chain amino acid leucine to help build muscle.

Do bodybuilders drink a gallon of milk? ›

Drinking a gallon of milk a day to quickly gain muscle mass and fat has long been a fad diet. Dietitians said the diet is a quick fix that will not lead to long-term changes in body composition. The GOMAD diet can increase the risk of heart and kidney problems.

Is milk a bodybuilding food yes or no? ›

Food rich in proteins are generally referred to as bodybuilding food. They are required for the growth and repair of cells in our body. Milk, chicken, fish, egg and pulses are rich sources of proteins. Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins and minerals.

What kind of milk is best for muscle building? ›

Upon diving into the nutritional content of these milks, it is clear that the two that come out on top as the most effective for bodybuilding are whole milk and soya milk. While whole milk has more calories, and is thus the better option of the two, soya milk can be just as effective as whey for muscle building.

Why do gym goers avoid milk? ›

While milk is a natural product containing much of the protein, carbohydrates and fat required to provide the body with energy during a workout, many people find it difficult to digest prior or during exercise and consumption of milk directly prior to an intense gym session can cause stomach upsets, diarrhoea and ...

Are eggs better than milk for bodybuilding? ›

Egg white has more protein than milk. One large egg white contains about 3.6 grams of protein, while 1 cup of whole milk contains about 8 grams of protein.

How much milk per day for bodybuilding? ›

Drinking 1-2 cups of milk per day is a good general guideline for most bodybuilders. Some bodybuilders believe that drinking raw milk is best for muscle growth, as it contains more enzymes and nutrients than pasteurized milk.

Is banana good for muscle gain? ›

Do bananas help you gain muscle? Bananas are a healthy addition to any diet, even one focused on building muscle. In addition to providing energy for the body, the nutrients in bananas have the effect of increasing muscle mass.

What is the side effect of everyday milk? ›

A Swedish study published in British Medical Journal says that high milk intake was associated with increased risk of bone fractures and mortality. Having too much milk can also increase risk of health problems such as iron deficiency anaemia and protein loss from the gut.

Is peanut butter good for bulking? ›

Just one tablespoon of peanut butter has four grams of protein, making it a good source of protein for building muscle. Peanut butter is also a good source of monounsaturated fat and antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals that will help your body stay healthy and function properly.

Are eggs a bodybuilding food? ›

Eggs: the perfect post-workout snack

Eggs provide all of the nine essential amino acids (also known as the building blocks of protein), making them an effective food for maintaining, building and repairing muscle.

Should I drink milk before bed to gain muscle? ›

Muscle Growth

Protein contains the amino acids that your body uses to build muscle, and consuming enough protein is vital to optimal results. If you haven't been able to consume enough protein throughout the day, consuming Milk prior to bed can make up for that and help fuel muscle growth throughout the night.

Is a gallon of milk a day too much? ›

What are the risks? Consuming a gallon of milk every day can lead to numerous problems, and not just for your butthole. A gallon of milk provides nearly 85% of a day's worth of sodium, 600% of the recommended daily saturated fat intake, and enough calcium to potentially impair kidney function and form stones.

Do bodybuilders drink human milk? ›

Breast milk may not necessarily do a body good. — -- Bodybuilders will try just about anything to build bulging biceps, including apparently, drinking breast milk. “It isn't common, but I've known people who have done this.

Is milk good to drink on a bulk? ›

Since milk is a good source of calories, protein, and other nutrients, it offers a balanced approach to gaining weight. In particular, it may be helpful for athletes and bodybuilders who may need or want to gain muscle, as well as those who are underweight and want to gain weight.

Can I build muscle without milk? ›

Incorporating plant based protein sources, into your diet can support muscle growth effectively without the need for dairy products. This dietary approach focuses on consuming foods that provide energy, for workouts and promote recovery ultimately facilitating muscle development.

Does milk really help your muscles? ›

Drinking plain milk as a source of complete protein, particularly after exercise, is good for building and repairing muscles. It is also an effective source of hydration. Chocolate milk may only be more advantageous compared to plain milk under specific conditions when additional carbohydrate is needed.


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