Social Networking Sites as Post-Modern New Communication Forms: Confession Sites (2025)

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Serdar Uğurlu

Köroğlu destanının Anadolu sahası kollarından biri olan “Köroğlu-Han Nigâr, Hasan Bey-Telli Hanım” kolu, bugüne kadarki Köroğlu çalışmalarında varyantlarına sıklıkla rastladığımız bir koldur. Çalışmamıza konu olan ise bu kolun Sivas Varyantı’dır. Elimizdeki metne “Sivas Varyantı” dememizdeki neden, metnin Sivas’ın Güney Köyü’ne kayıtlı Âşık Recep Altay’dan derlenen bir Köroğlu hikâyesine dayanıyor olmasıdır. Bu varyanta, Doç. Dr. Şaban Doğan’ın yönlendirmesiyle ve 2001 senesinde Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Anabilim Dalı, Türk Dili Bilim Dalında kendisinin sunmuş olduğu “Sivas Merkez İlçe ve Köyleri, Ağızları (Giriş-İnceleme-Metinler)” adlı Yüksek Lisans Tezi’nden ulaşmış bulunmaktayız. Elimizdeki varyant, hikâye ve masal motifleri bağlamında dikkat çekici bir varyanttır. Çalışmada kendisinden faydalanacağımız ve kendimize örnek alacağımız eser ise Ali Berat Alptekin’in “Halk Hikâyelerinin Motif Yapısı” adlı eseridir. Alptekin çalışmasında ayrıca 18 Köroğlu koluna ve onlarla ilişkili bazı hikâyelerin özetlerine de yer vermiştir ki böylelikle genellikle hikâye ve masallarda kullanıldığını gördüğümüz birçok motifi tespit etmiştir. Alptekin çalışmasında Stith Thompson'un Motif Index of Folk-Literatüre adlı eserindeki motif indeksinden faydalanmıştır. Masallarda ve hikâyelerde sıklıkla karşılaştığımız motifler, elimizdeki metinde de mevcuttur. Alptekin’in çalışmasına aldığı kadarıyla biz de Stith Thompson'un Motif Index of Folk-Literatüre adlı eserindeki motif indeksinden faydalanarak metindeki masal motiflerini tespit edip incelemiş bulunmaktayız. Çalışmanın sonunda karşılaştırma yapılabilmesi adına mevcut varyantın transkripsiyonlu metnini de almış bulunmaktayız. Koroghlu – Khan Nigar, Hasan Bey – Telli Khanum version of the Koroghlu, known as the Anatolian of the Koroghlu epics, is a version which frequently appears in the studies about Koroghlu. This version, subject to our study, is Sivas verison of the related branch in Koroghlu epic. The reason why we named this text as “Sivas Version” is that, it is based on the story of Koroghlu compiled from Aşık Recep Altay, registered in Güney Village of Sivas. We received this version with the guidance of Assoc.Prof.Dr. Şaban Doğan and from the Master’s Thesis that he presented in 2001 at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Institute of Social Sciences, Turkish Language and Literature Department, with title of “Sivas Centre District and Villages, Dialects (Introduction – Review – Texts)”. We first met in the text an element of the tale, The Tale is used as input to formal versus unique we have seen. The variant in our hand is a remarkable variant in the context of story and fairy tale motifs. The work we will use in our work and we will take our example is Ali Berat Alptekin's "Motif Structure of Folk Stories". Alptekin also included 18 Köroğlu variants in his work and summaries of some of the stories related to them. Thus, we have identified many motifs that we often see used in stories and tables. Alptekin has benefited from Stith Thompson's motif index in his work entitled "Motif Index of Folk-Literature". The motifs we often encounter in the masks and stories are also present in the text of ours. As far as Alptekin's work is concerned, we also use Stith Thompson's motif index in his "Motif Index of Folk-Literature" to determine and examine the fairy-tale motifs in his text. At the end of the study, we also received the transcript of the current variant in order to be able to make a comparison.

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Priorities in Education of an Instrument Connected to Makam Music

N. Oya Levendoğlu

International Music and Fine Arts Education Symposium, 2021

Systematic studies towards instrument education in Turkish makam music date back to a very recent past with a process contrary to the depth of the historical roots of this music genre. In many studies, it is shown that the main reason for this situation is that the lyric music is always ahead of the Turkish instrumental music in this music genre. Yet, the process that started with the twentieth century and the current situation has strengthened and colored the Turkish instrumental music leg of makam music and eliminated the disadvantages of the past. Nevertheless, in the institutions where Turkish music education is given, various debates still continue on the approach to both makam theory and instrument training. The fact that the most important point of these discussions focus on the elements of makam music requires an intellectual background in the direction of the necessity of ensuring a good communication between instrument training and the concept of makam. A makam music instrument training to be given in today's formal music education institutions should need a program design that will not compromise on the following two issues, regardless of the level planned; a) Approaches and lessons which are in accordance with the nature of the makam music tradition and strongly bounded to their traditions. b) Approaches and lessons that are capable of enabling students to connect with world music and perform together with musicians from different cultures. This study aims to offer new approaches and suggestions in relation to an instrument training to be built in the context of the above principles. It should be said that the most important need of educational institutions in the execution of the planning to be made on these two aspects is qualified performers and qualified educators. Accordingly, one of the main objectives of the study is the ideal of sharing experiences among colleagues and thus enriching the academy by this way.

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Dede Korkut'taki Alp Tipi Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Tuğrul Balaban


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One Culture Two Languages: Turkish-Bosnian "Cultural Bridge Established With The Works Of Şakir Bayhan"

Gamze Bayhan


Ottoman Empire has existed as a magnificent Ottoman - Turkish civilization on three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa between the 13th and 19th centuries. In this world empire, cultural and civilization works, whose influence are even felt today, were emerged. Language has an important place in forming this cultural richness that is passed down from generation to generation. When this effect is examined on the axis of the Balkans, when the Ottoman Empire dominated the Balkan geography, it is seen that Turkish significantly affected the languages of the nations in the region. Many words from Turkish entered the Balkan languages. Bosnian is one of the most affected Turkish among the Balkan languages and has the most word transition. Today, words that pass from Turkish in the Bosnian language are frequently used in daily life. In the sense that cultures are kept alive in different geographies, thus building a bridge between places and times, it must be converted into written texts for the languages used to survive. Dictionaries prepared in this direction cover an important area in the permanence of languages. In this context, in this study, the works of Şakir Bayhan, who provided an important cultural service with the dictionaries he prepared on the Former Yugoslav languages, Serbian - Croatian and especially the Bosnian language, will be examined.

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ASEAD 4. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı

Astana Yayınları

ASEAD 4. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı, 2018

ASEAD 4. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı

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Social Networking Sites as Post-Modern New Communication Forms: Confession Sites (2025)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.