Rusk ered lecture at the high school audicurium yesterday morning before the pupils of the school. The title of his lecture Biography and Mr. Rusk took character and idealized it, enriching his talk with quotations of Ideals from the broad field of literature. Him was replete with wisand humor. Mr.
Hunk an eloquent baker and well fitted to address an audience young people, as him style la particularly ght and entertaining. During the lecture Rusk asked those who thought that they the character had chosen to rise. bout twenty pupils, mostly from the senior Ind junior rose, and Mias Ruth Tayor of the seafor class was the only one who the correct answer, Mr. Anonymous." lecture will be followed by three others. The next one will be given April 6, by Edwin Welty, on Shakespeare and Stratford-onAvon.
Judge W. K. and B. R. Vinyard will deliver the last two lectures.
SLIGHTLY DERANGED Mrs. Mary Holmes, who in slightly deranged at times. war held at the central police station yesterday. She may be sent to hospital for insane No. 2.
BEGGAR ARRESTED -John Burke, a street Descar, was arrested Sunday and sentenced to 14 days in the workhouse. He Insulted parsers-by when they refused him money. THREW ROCKS On 4 warrant sworn out Mre. Catherine Brown, 1707 St. Joseph avenue, John Kearns was arrested yesterday.
Mrs. Brown alleges that Kearns threw rock through the window in her house. He will be tried before Justice Walker. PAVING THIRTEENTH- was begun resterday on laying brick paving on Thirteenth from Messante to Olive streets. This In front of the high school, The work will completed by the last of the week.
A. J. matrons Is to resume work today on macadamising Charles from Fifteenth to Sevenseenth and Felix from Sixteenth Nineteenth $1- -Mont Stewart, who de maid have raised hatchet in i controversy, who failed to was assessed $1. and yesterday morning, by Justice Burke. arrested on complaint of Dan Martin.
DIED -Fredericka, 75 years of age, wife of Eared Pelar, died at 1 o'clock morning at the family home, 1121 North Fifteenth street. Mra. Pelar bad lived In this state about forty rears, most of that time in St. Joseph. She is survived by her husband and three grown SOnS.
Frederick, William and Charles. OPENING -Mrs. Josephine Kellose. 215 rth Seventh street, held a very successful opening yesterday. Delightful muwas furnished and the place was visited crowde of people anxious to see Mrs.
Kelbeautiful things. CAN NOT GO-Dr. Jacob Geiger, who was to be one of the party of St. Joseph phyto attend the big convention at MadSpain, will unable to go, he cannot sibly make arrangements to leave at this He has entirely abandoned the trip. RECEPTION TO PASTOR The members of St.
Paul M. E. church on Dolman street Washington avenue gave social last to their pastor. Her. Mr.
Me Names, has just returned from the conference 1 in Carrollton, Mo. At this conference he appointed to preside ever St. Paul's for another year. In token of the the members of the church for pastor he was presented with a handgold watch, fittingly inscribed. The ole function came complete and deatful surprise to Rev.
Mr. McNamee. ORONER'8 VERDICT--According to the jury which met yesterday afternoon Inquire into the deata of Mrs. B. Carugh, the accident was unavoidable.
The hot was that she met her death in being ck by a street car near Eleventh and A Evidence showed that at the of the accident the car was running at rate of speed and the motorman ting his bell. LESS ARTISTS -St. Joseph newspaper arwill bold their first annual exhibition of Inal drawings some time in the early part April. The exhibition will comprise about pieces and will Include drawings in black white and wash drawings representing girls, studies from life, ideal heads, and landscapes and olls. The exhibiwill be given under the name of the clety of Press Artists.
The committee ving the matter in charge consists of Frank -Gee, Edmonnon, Harry H. Dedi and C. Norberg. NEW CAFE--R. B.
Davenpeck of Buffalo, has secured a lease of the lower floor 1 basem*nt of the batiding on the southeast her of Fouth and Francis streets, recently rebased by Brown Brown, and will open cate. The work of renovation is already der way and it is expected that the new staurant will be opened by April 15, WILL ENLARGE CHURCH- $5,000 addin will be built to the First Cumberland rebyterian church at Sixteenth and Edmond Streets. A soliciting committee has been appointed to raise the necessary funds, The Improvements will consist of new Sunday hool annex, a choir room, pastor's study an enlargement of the main auditorium double Its present seating capacity. The urch will be thoroughly renovated inside outside. FILL CLOSE -An effort in bemade to induce all the retall butchers of Joseph to close their.
shops on Sundays tend of keeping them open between the ora of 7 and 12 o'clock Sunday forenoon, as been the custom. Many signatures have been secured to an agreement to se at 11 o'clock Saturday night and remain red until Monday morning. PPOINTMENT- M. Abercrombie has appointed Governor Dockery as ate to represent Missouri at the National cento or charities and corrections, to be Atlanta, May 6 to 12. CLUB--The lady friends of mbers of the Sherman club were entered in the club rooms last night.
The pose of the gathering was to arouse in est among the ladies in selling tickets to Sherman Club minstrels, to be given at Tootle theater on April 21. They also eitnessed a rehearsal of the performance in Stumbla ball, which is immediately over the Cake and punch was served and interesting program rendered. A handa prize is to be given to the young lady the most tickets. AFTER THE CORPORATIONS March The secretary ate will start special deputies out in tate to find foreign corporations that oing business in Indiana without auty gained in complying with the corporation law. The recent genassembly appropriated a sum to be in enforcing the law.
The secretary says there are at least 1,000 foreporations doing business in Indiana authority because they have not foreign incorporation fee required ight He Could Manage That. Hential Friend Your physician rest, yet here you are, running ng Politician- -That's all right. people give me the office and I'll Chicago Tribune. ST. JOSEPH GAZETTE ST.
M'K: BARBOUR Sec. Established and in Treas. 1845 St. St. Joseph Established in 1851 Joseph Herald August 1900 Gazette March 30, 1902 St.
Joseph Gazette GAZETTE BUILDING, 215-217 South Sixth Street. TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Business Office -Both 'Phones No. 205. Editorial Rooms Both 'Phones 149. NEW YORK OFFICE 43, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 40, Tribune Bldg.
S. C. Beckwith Special sole agents. CHICAGO 510, 511 and 512, Tribune Bldg. 8.
U. Beekwith Special Ager ey, sole agents. Entered April 8, 1902, as second class mat10 the pustoffice at Bt. Joseph, Mo, according to an act of gress of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Outside the city by mail.
Daily and Sunday, per year when paid in advance only 63.00 Daily except Sunday, per year, when paid in advance, only 2.00 Sunday, per year, invariably vance 1.50 Weekly, issued Fridays, per year, invariably in advance .25 In the city by carrier. Daily and Sunday, per week .10 and Sunday, per month 45 Sundar, per month Daily and Sunday, per year, in vande 5.00 Mail subscribers when renewing will please recept the change of date on address tab an our receipt for payment. When renewing please state that you are a subscriber to the Daily, Sunday or Weekly Gazette, as such may be. All papers continued until an explicit order received for the discontinuance and arrearages paid. The Gazette is on sale at the Hotel Baltimore Kansas.
City, Hotel Savoy Kansas City, Mo. Palmer House Chicago, Ill. Southern Hotel Louis, Mo. Hotel Metropole Colo. FUNERAL OR SOCIETY NOTICES For death, funeral, card of thanks, lodge For death, funeral, card of thanks, lodge and society notices not exceeding ten lines, charge of 50 cents for one insertion will be made for the daily issue and 15 cents for the Sunday Additional lines at commercial.
card rates. FUNERAL NOTICES FUNERAL NOTICE -Amanada D. Thurman died Sunday, March 29, at 4:40 p. m. Funeral services will take place from the realdence of ber daughter, Mrs.
D. E. Heston, 2028 Clay street, Tuesday afternoon, March 31, at 4 o'clock. FUNERAL NOTICE- Ella M. Robinson, aged 41 years, wife of Artbur Robinson, and sister to Uno.
and F. O. Martin, of this city, died Sunday evening. Funeral from this. (Tuesday) afternoon at.
2:20 Interment Ashland. Friends Invited. LODGE NOTICES 8T. JOSEPH lodge No. A.
F. 4 A. will hold meeting tonight at 7:30 p. m. at Masonic Temple.
Work in the degrees. cordial invitation extended to all brethres. By order of W. M. C.
F. MEYER, Seey. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED- night clerk and second cook at Savoy hotel. WANTED -A strong, lively boy about 17. 701 Angelique street.
WANTED-Married man by old reliable Arm for collector: must furnish bonds and references. 33 Hughes bldg. WANTED--Young man to take charge of reclamation department in wholesale house: some experience as correspondent and knowledge of accounting essential. Good opening with onnortunity of advancement for right. party.
A 6 Gazette. -Benchmen; steady work. Apply Ehrlich Sons. Ninth and Olive Sta. WANTED- Carpenters: Inside work.
Apply Ehrlich Sons factory, Ninth -and Olive Sta. WANTED Office -man, must be quick and accurate at figures and come well recommended; state Age. Address 11. Gazette. clerk, or 4 expertence; single; will be required to room the store.
Address J. T. Meadows, St. Joseph, Mo. PUSHING WORK ON ST.
LOUIS FAIR Commissioners Say the Exposition Will Surely Be Opened on Scheduled Time. Great Preparations Being Made for Dedication Ceremonies to Be Held April 30. Charles H. Paddock, 1101 Ridenbaugh street, returned Saturday from a visit to St. Louis, where he made an inspection of the grounds of the big fair that is to be held in celebration of the Louisiana purchase.
Mr. Paddock made trip through all the buildings that have been constructed and that are in course of construction and is very much pleased with the prospects for the success of the fair. "Not a minute is being wasted by the managers of the said Mr. Paddock. "Three shifts of men are being worked, each shift working eight hours.
The contract for the Missouri state building will be let April 15. Commissioners with whom I talked said that the big show; would be. opened on schedule time. "The men employed at the grounds are paid good wages. Most of the day men are paid per day, with double time for night work, and many of the men get even more.
Plumbers, for instance, are paid $6 per day. "Great preparations are being made to receive President Roosevelt, the members of his cabinet and other distinguished men of the country who will be present at dedication ceremonies to be held at. the fair grounds April 30. "There will be many prominent men in line of march to the grounds. Besides President Roosevelt and.
judges of the United States courts, will be Grover Cleveland, the only living ex-president of the United States, ambassadors of thirty foreign countries in glittering uniforms, HELP WANTED MALES A representative tor northern Missouri southern and northern Kansas count home must be In the couaty where position le desired. Salary and commisalon. Write Circulation Department the Gasetta, Joseph. Mo. HELP WANTED FEMALE WHITE girl wanted for general housework.
Mrs. Dr. S. McDonald, No. 519 N.
7th WANTED Girl for general bousework; good wages; references. 1213 N. 10th st. FIFTEEN ladles wanted to make sofa pillows -at home; experience unnecessary: $6 to $12 week; spare time. Call 101 8.
9th St. hand ironer on custom shirts. Jet White Laundry. WANTED -Experienced shirt Anisber. Jet White Laundry.
WANTED- White girl for general house1010 N. 6th St. SITUATION WANTED MALE. SITUATION WANTED -A frat class baker's helper, steady, references. Address N-7, Gazette.
SITUATION WANTED FEMALE TYPEWRITER wants work to do in OWn bome. 1208 8. 6th St. Reference. FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR -A destrable, suit of basem*nt rooms, modern conveniences, reasonable.
724 N. 6th st. FOR newly furnished front room for two, with or without board; modern conveniences. 724 N. 6th st.
FOR RENT-6-coom room house; modern. 1307 Frederick ave, FOR- RENT--Furnished room; would give meals. 416 N. 7th. FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms, strictly modern; close to.
221 N. 8th St. FOR RENT- Three Onely furnished rooms, separate or in suite, for light housekeepAng desired; close Jo and on car line. Address Gazette, FOR RENT-Furnisbed steam heat: 6th and Felix, over Palace: third floor. FOR RENT--Office rooms, nice and light: suitable for doctors or dentists: best Jocation.
630. Felix. FOR SALE OR TRADE TO TRADE--Small house tor borse or horse and M. ATKINSON, 513 Francis. TO EXCHANGE-160 acre farm to Nebraska for St.
Joseph real estate: will assume pay cash difference. M. ATKINSON, 513 Francis TO EXCHANGE- Good farm in Kansas for St. estate. 7.
M. ATKINSON. 518 Francis. FOR SALE- -MISCELLANEOUS EGGS from high scoring White Plymouth Rocks, fifteen for $1.50. 322 S.
20th st. FOR SALE -Fine second hand rubber-tired stanhope, second hand bakery wazous, road wagons, farm wagons, delivery wagons top phaetons, surries and carriages. Schenek Carriage Co. FOR SALE--Fresh cow. 720 8.
6th St. SALE- -Go-Cart, good condition; also baby's bed. 1123 Church. FOR. SALE- -From one to two thousand yds.
of rock, which will be good for macadam. Telephone 852, new line. FOR Investments of all kinda. Bee Rich Rich. 708 Fells FOR SALE--Fresh flower seeda, the kind that grow; mammoth flowered Sweet Pea Seed: Tube Rose, Gladiolus, Caladium Bulba, Lawn Grass Seed, etc.
J. N. Kidd, Florist, 104 South Fifth. FOR -Full combinations of wall paper from: de per roll up. E.
Hildebrandt, 119 South Eighth. FOR SALE -We have three motors, standard speed, 35 horse power, 12 horse power and borse power, manufactured by the Amerlean Engineering Bound Brook, New derset, which were purchased by the St. Joseph Gazetto-Herald Publishing and, tarough technical error, they are too small for the services required of them, in the market, we can make a handsome proposition to anyone who wants motor tor power or light purposes. Berry Miectrie Manufacturing 111 South id St Joseph. Mo, FOR SALE- scholarship in Arst class business college in city.
For particulars address R-100, Gazette. FOR SALE SAFES FOR SALE -Safe. Address N-8 Gazette. SAFES -MOSLER -SAFES M. Marks, Agent, St.
Charles Hotel. 5.000 soldiers of the United States army, two troops of cavalry, light field and siege batteries with heavy guns, a battalion of marines and sailors, thirty governors and their staffs, all mounted, and 10,000 militiamen from a score of states. "It is thought there will be 50,000 strangers in the city to witness the dedication. ceremonies alone. No admission is charged to the fair grounds now, but after the dedication 25 cents will be charged.
"Exhibits are arriving every day. Every state in the Union will be represented and nearly all foreign countries as well. Japan is perhaps taking 48 much interest in the fair as any of the foreign countries. A dozen special representatives from that bustling little country have been in St. Louis for three months in the interest of Japan's exhibit, representation.
They have been dined and wined on every side and are very much pleased with their treatment on this side of the world. "The greatest sangerfest is to be held at the world's fair grounds in June. 1-understand there will be 5,000 voices in the chorus and 200 pieces in the orchestra. "The commissioners I talked with said that they had received many visitors from St. Joseph and semed greatly pleased at the interest St.
Joseph is showing in the success of the big celebration." DEATH OF JOHN TIBBETS John Tibbetts died this morning at about o'clock at the residence of his son Frank, 190G North -second street. Funeral Announcements later. SUB-COMMITTEE TO FRAME FINANCIAL MEASURE Washington, March subcommittee of the senate committee on finance charged by senate resolution to consider during the recess the framing of a Anancial measure for the reliet of the country in cases of Anancial stringency, will meet in New York this week. This subcommittee consists of Senators Aldrich, chairman: Allison, Platt of Connecticut, and Spooner, It is expected that the subcommittee at its Brat meeting will go over the plans for Anancial -bill in general way. FOR SALE- ESTATE FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8 room house, city water, electric lights, barn for four horses and three buggies, large poultry yard, lot 100x127, one block from car line, cash.
J. O. WALKER, 608 Edmond St. NOTICE -D. Freedenberg buys and sells second hand clothing; he carries the best line of mient clothes in the eity.
Stock mostly as good as new. Drop card you have anything to sell. Goode sold on payments, 707 8. 8th st. WANTED To sell 25 standa of been Call or address J.
L. McNemee, Brenner, Kan. Correspondence with everybody from everywhere about our new $175 piano; fully warranted. T. J.
Washburn, 207 S. 6th St. Joseph, Mo. PERSONAL CLEAR skin can be cultivated and plainest faces grOW lovely using Satin-Skin Cream and Powder. 25c.
ADIES! Use Beast Only fur ether, or send letter Con LOST AND FOUND LOST -Roll of carpet marked C. A. Smith, Hammond, between 1021 Ridenbaugh and Rock Island freight house. Phone 158 and be rewarded. SEWING MACHINES WA RENT sewing machines and pianos: carry Wheeler Wilson and other standard brands of sewing machines; also do repairing of machines and tuning pianos at low prices.
E. Kapua, 924 Frederick ave. 'Phone Black 1012. NEW SEWING MACHINES FOR drop head, oak machines from $11.98 to $37.50. Fifteen different makes in and cabinets of the latest designs.
Come and sea the largest display of machines in the state. Parrish, Erickson Hadw. 113-115 S. Ctb. HOUSE CLEANING WE DO your spring cleaning.
St. Joseph Office and House Cleaning tel. new 120, old 65. 610 Edmond. DAIRIES AND BAKERIES WESTERN DAIRY 00.
-Wholesale and tall dealers in dairy products. Ice cream specialty. Tel. 218-220 So. 6th.
en DELMONT-0 BAKERY-803 Frederick Sealey, proprietor. 537. TAILORING AND PRESSING SUITS made to order, repairing. cleantoi and pressing neatly done. 8.
Pollock, The tical Tailor, 116 N. 6th st. $3.50 ALL- order, 421 WOOL Home Francis. PANTS Tailoring to $3.50 THE PANATORIUM SUIT CLUB- One suit week $1.00 per month: called for and red. delivered: new 'phone 459; old 'phone 622 W.
Findley and W. Sample, proprietors. FURRIERS FUR short time offering fur novelties at greatly reduced prices. Also look at our line of Isabella and Sable Foxes, Baum, Stone and Black Marten Boas and Scarfs. Nia Kuehn, Manufacturing furrier, 118 N.
6th at HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE--Horses, mules, wagons, harness always on hand; cash or easy mental you can try borses before buying; everything guaranteed as represented. E. L. House, 506 South 4th st. BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED--Gentleman who has about $75 carb to invest in bait interest in 6pod paying business.
Address, care Gazette, E-1. BARGAIN SALES. SPECIAL SALR-50c baby shoes, 15c; 75c shirts, 39e; 25c suspenders, 5c. Central Bargain Store, 620 S. 6th St.
PRINTING AND STATIONERY MIDLAND PRINTING So. Third, make specialty of "printing at right Bond us samples for prices, PAINTING AND FRESCOING THE ONLY FRESCO ARTIST -Rudolph Janicke, Irish-American, Bldg. Do misled by house painters calling themselves frescoere. They tre not. PROFESSIONAL N.
CARYLE SMITH--Attorney, counselor law. Criminal and personal injury cases specialty. Room 10, First National Bank corner 4th and Francis sta. SUPERB PORTRAITS IN SEPIA AND ter colors; artistic photography. Byarlay, opposite postoffice, Joseph, Mo.
D. E. HEATON -Funeral director and balmer, 109-111 So. 7th W. A.
POWELL-Architect, offica 54 Commercial bids. Take elevator. MISCELLANEOUS BRILL BOOK AND STATIONERY 516 Felix. Books, magasines, periodicala, stationers, frames and pictures, blank books supplies, etc. BROWN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.Carriages.
Call made: baggage delivered promptly general transfer ADO express line. Publie storage warehouse. WILLIAM GIL BORN -Sanitary steam and gas fitters, lobbing promptly tendod to. 315 N. 6th 'Phone 1093 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on furniture, pianos, diamonds and all kinds of personal property.
J. F. Allison, 106 S. 7th st. MONEY suppled salaried people, teamboarding houses, without Ity.
Easy payments. Offices in 52 day cipal and cities Saturday Hours 8 until to 7 6:30 p. Open Tolman, 45 Ballinger bide. TO SALARIES ADVANCED whiboat security, quickly, quietly, confidenttally. Easy payments.
My rates always low. est: honorable mad courteous treatment: 708 are invited to call and get my D. D. Drake, Hushes new phone No. 800.
MONEY -For salaried employer low rate, eASy Loan and payments: contidential. Ist Nation Employ Sank a Discount bids. 014 phone FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 715 and 717 South price $2,5003 F. M.
613 cis FOR SALE vacant close foot, worth 425 per foot. F. MA kinson. 517 Francis. FOR BALE- 1613.
1515 double tenement: must and will be sold. Atkinson, 615 Francis. FOR SALE beautiful scree, improvements tret-class, all in fruit, close in, very cheap. M. ATKINSON.
Francis: LEGAL NOTICES. PROCLAMATION BY THE MAYOR In the lamentable and sudden death of Mr. G. F. Swift, our city has sustained an almost Irreparable Jose.
He was certainly great, good, and strong friend to St. Joseph, when much needed one, and' his continued friendship has been evidenced every year. What Mr. Swift's friendship really meant for St. Joseph is shown by the large number of people added to our population by his magnificent faith in this city as practically demonstrated by his enormous and ever increasing In In view of this great work for St.
Joseph and In respectful appreciation for the magnificent results accomplished by him for almost every one of us, and in sincere sorrow and grief at his sudden removal, it is proper that some fitting means be taken to show our real respect, love and sorrow. Therefore, Be it proclaimed that the city departments and officers be closed during the afternoon of March 31st, the day of obse-1 quies from 12 o'clock M. to 3 o'elock p. and it is also especially requested that commercial interests and rallroad offices suspend business in so far as may be practicable throughout the whole city between the hours of 1 o'clock and three o'clock p. m.
of the adove date, the time set for the funeral and would suggest that church and fire bells be tolled for Ave minutes commencing at 1:30 p. m. C. J. BORDEN, Mayor, BANKRUPT'S PETITION FOR DISCHARGE.
In the matter of John C. Schmidt, bankrupt, in bankruptcy. To the Honorable John F. Phillips: Judge of the district court of the United States for the Western District of Missouri, John C. Schmidt, of St.
Joseph, in the county of Buchanan, and state of Missouri, in said district, respectfully presents that on the 3d day of November, last past, he was duly adjudged bankrupt under the acts of congress relating to bankruptcy: that he has duly surrendered all his property and rights of property, and has fully complied with all the requirements of said acts and of the orders of the court touching his bankruptey. Wherefore he prays that he may be decreed by the court to have full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said bankrupt acts, except such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated this. 12th day of January, A. 1903.
(Signed) JOHN C. SCHMIDT, Bankrupt. Order of Notice Thereon. Western District of Missouri, 58: On this 14th day of March, A. 1903, on LEGAL NOTICES.
reading the foregoing petition, it ordered by the court that a hearing be had upon the same on the 4th day of April, before said court. at Kansas City, In sald district, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon; and that notice thereof be published in the St Gazette, newspaper printed In said district, and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at the said time and place, and abow cause, If they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered by the court, that the clerk shall send by mall to all known creditors copies of said petition and this order. addressed to them at their places of residence as stated. Witness the Honorable John F.
Phillips, judge of the said court, and the seal thereof at St. Joseph, and in said district, on the 27th day of March, A. D. 1903. (SEAL.) C.
closet, porchen. bathroom (not fitted), cellar, well, shed, etc, nice shade fruit trees, Lot 50 south front; $1,900. 3122 SENECA 69x137 FEET, NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE, closets, bathroom, city water, electric light, good barn, nice mantel and grate: vestibule, plenty of nice fruit trees. All complete and in fret class condition; $2,300, OLIVE STREET NO. 2713, LOT 50x120 FEET.
ON BRICK paved street, nice 2-story 6-room frame house, balls, closets, bath room, 3 porches, cellar, cistern, city water in house and yard; barn, nice shade trees, etc. A nice, comfortable bome; $3,300. 2714 OLIVE 100x120 FEET. ON BRICK STREET, 2-story 6-room frame house, closets, cellar, cistern, gas, native forest trees. All in good condition: $4,000.
VACANT 100 FEET SOUTH FRONT. ONE PERT THE finest corners in Kilby Heights; $7 foot. 25TH AND DUNCAN WE HAVE SOME NICE VACANT. ground on the line of the new street railway extension. Some of the finest building sites in the city, and can be bought nOW at bargain.
LIST IT WITH -WE'LL SELL IT. Smith, Gow Plowman 619 EDMOND ST. FOR SALE- -Desirable 8-room residence, modern, choice location; street improvements made. F. Porter, 513 Francis.
FOR SALE lots on 28d between Clay and Union. Street and sidewalk paved. WIll be priced right. E. A H.
Spratt, 411 Francis, Tel. 515. FOR SALE -A choice business cor. 3-story and basem*nt, This must be sold at once. Price very low: never vacant.
Atkinson. Sis Francis, FOR Installment plan- $760 new 3-room frame house: $25 cash, balance in amall payments. Atkinson, Francis. FOR SALE- 8. 9th must and will sold.
If a ridiculously low price will interest you see me at once M. Atkinson, 513 Francis. FOR A coal proposition at Richmond, Mo. Atkinson, 613 Francis: GRAB ALL PRICE 2539 8. 12th and 2438 8.
13th: price if mold at once $2,000, separately 81.100 each. F. M. Atkinson. 513 Francis.
FOR SALE 825 and 827 8. 8th price worth $2,500. F. M. ATKINSON, 513 FOR SALE- 40 acres, highly improved, pear Easton, very cheap; $2.400, Ni in cultivation.
F. M. ATKINSON. 513 Francis. STREET CAR MEN, ATTENTION -In Addition I am offering 610 and Concord separately, very cheap, 613 Frascia.
FOR ALB 414 8. 15th choice 4-100 house. Installment plan, very cheap. M. ATKINSON.
511 Francis. SALE -Asylum road. acres, choice, at a very low price. F. M.
ATKINSON, Francia. FOR SALE 80 acres, highly Improved, Edgerton, only 466 per FORD worth $75. ATKINSON. FOR SALE--FARMS FOR SALE--G. W.
Nesbitt'a Ane farm of 124 near Corby Chapel. Fine land, large orchard. Worth $150 per sere. For sale as $13,000. Will sell in 40 ante tracts at tair prices.
Address, Huffman, Williams Buis, St: Joseph, Mo. Boober Williams, nah. Mo. FARMS of all kinds in Andrew for by Write Boober for Williams, Savannah, lat and prices. FOR RENT- -FARMS FOR RENT -Twelve acres near city; house and fruit.
606 Edmond St. ANNOUNCEMENTS BARGAIN SALE- 50 ladies' calling cards, 12 fountain pens, and pen holder, all for 25c. MacSpadden's, 8th and Francis. LADIES, remember the great millinery opening at Loewenberg's, 503-506 Felix street. NOTICE--The only genuine French accordion side or knife pleating, sunside and sunburst skirts pinking.
Latest style buttons, covered, etc. Old phone 563 black. 612 Francis St. Joseph, Mo. SPECIAL wall paper sale all this week Hilde 119.
South Eighth street. CHICAGO RUG co. Beautiful band-made rugs from old carpets, and will wear a litetime; write for circulars; mail orders soHelted. 1303 Frederick ave. Old Main 1356.
St. Joseph, Mo. ATTENTION- All men drink at the Fountala of Youth. Our Soda Springs. Trade swift for cash.
Columbia Drug 10th Lad Frederick RAILHOAD MEN, attention on Bouth st on installment plan. will build you a. home to suit. F. M.
ATKINSON. 513 Francis VICTOR LEIBBRAND. instructor of music, has removed to 1504 Buchanan ave. HABERDASHERS W. C.
KIRKPATRICK- The furnishes and hatter, 618 Felix. Stock now complete. Call and see the new goods. furnishings; cluster sale of Dr. Jaeger's Dr.
Reed's cushion shoes. 120 Felix VIVA-VITOR Re-gen-er-a-tive Everlasting For all sexual disorders in men and women. Booklets Free. Twelve days treatment $1. For sale by the Joseph Drug St.
Joseph, or a Dr. Neumeister's Family Medicine 1103 Main Kansas City, Mo. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Office of the Board of Public Works. St. Joseph, March 1903.
Public notice is hereby given that the Board of Public Works will receive sealed proposals for the hereinafter described public works, via PAVING. Grading to a subarade, paving with vitrified brick, guttering and curbing of -Aret street, and laying of the sidewalks thereon from the south line of Mulberry street to the north line of Felix street, as required by Special Ordinance No. 3725, approved February 6th, 1903. Grading to a subgrade, macadamizing, guttering and curbing Seventeenth street and laying of the sidewalks, alley ways and Decos sary crosswalks thereon from the south line of Messante street to the north line of Olive street; sidewalks to be brick and six feet wide, gutters and crosswalks to be brick, except curb and sidewalks already set and laid to line and grade, as required by Special Ordinance No. 3717, approved February, 6th, 1903.
The above work to be paid for by the issue of Special Tax Bills. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified cheek for One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars drawn in favor of the City Treasurer' and subject to the conditions and provisions of the law in such case made and provided. Proposals for the above work will be recelved until 12 Monday, April 6th, 1003, and will be opened and that day at office of the Board of Public Works, All information relative to the above work may be had in the Engineering Department of the Board of Public Works, specifications, contracte and blank forms. The right to reject any and all proposals reserved. WM.
H. FLOYD, City Engineer. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT: Notice is hereby given to all creditors and others interested in the estate of Sarah H. Beach, deceased, that Frank W. Besch, administrator of said estate, Intend to mako Anal settlement thereot at the next term of the probate court of Buchanan county, state of Missouri, to be -held at the courthouse In St.
Joseph, on the second Monday of May, 1908. FRANK W. BEACH. Administrator. UNION DEPOT TIME CARD ST.
JOSEPH UNION STATION. 23 St. Paul and Omania 4:10 am. On and after 13:01 Sunday, trahas will arrive and depart ATCHISON, TOPEKA SANTA Bast. Chicago Express St.
Joseph and St. Louis East. Joseph Exp. Louis St. Joseph West.
Cal. and New Mex. Kansas and Texas West. Kansas and Tezas Cal. and New Mex.
R. I. P--EAST OF MISSOURI Golng South. Atchison Express Atchison Express Atchison and Edgerton Accor. Going South.
Chicago Fast Mail Going East. Chicago Fast Express. Chicago Mail Going East. Chiengo Fast Chicago Mail Atchison Edgerton West of Missouri River. Topeka, Wichita, Southwest Kansas and Texas Express.
Nebraska, Colorado and Callfornia Express ..8 Topeka, Wichita and Southwest Kansas Express Belleville, Colorado Springs and Denver Express Wast of Missouri River. Wichita, Topeka, S. W. Kansas and Texas Express. California, Colorado and braska Express Topeka, Wichita and Southwest Kansas Express Denver, Colorado Springs and St.
In Nebraska. Denver, Utah, California and Lincoln Express Lincoln, Billings, Helena, Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland Express A Nebrasks and Colorado Denver, Lincoln, St. Joseph and Kansas City Express. Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Helena, Blilings, Lincoln, St. Joseph and St.
Louis Express Nebraska and Colorado Ex. B. Q. R. R.
Chariton and Des Molnes Drpress st. Joseph, Grant City and Chariton Express Des and Chariton Express Chariton, Grant City and BL Joseph Express H. BL J. R. R.
Going West. Atchison, Leaven worth and Kansas City Going West. Hannibal and St. Louis Chicago Peoria Fast Train, 511 Chicago and St. Louis Nebraska and Colorado Portland Express A Going East.
St. St. Louis and Express Hannibal Chicago Peoria Fast Train, ELL Brookfeld and Hannibal Going East. Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison A K. C.
SL. J. C. B. Going North.
Omaha and St. Paul Ex. Omaha ane 8t. Paul Express. Creston and Iowa Express.
Creston and Iowa Mail. 13 Villisca Passenger Omaha Express Going North. 21 Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison Express A 23 Kansas City. Leaven worth and -Atchison Express 41 Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison Express 111 Kansas City. Leavenworth and Atehison Mail 15 Kansas City, enworth and Atchison Express Kansas City, Leaven worth and Atchison Express Going South.
20 Atchison, Leaven worth City 22 Atchison, Leaven worth 4 City Atchison, Lenven worth sea City. 14 Atchison, Len ven das City Express. 112 Atchison, Leaven man City. 16. Kansas City Atebison, Leaven Forth City la South.
10 St. Paul and Omaha Pant 30 and Express, 9:00 am, Feb. 32 Creaton Iowa Mall. 6:15 pm. follows: 46 Villisca Passenger 26 Omaha Express A 9:30 pm.
FE. 5:06 Depart. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY, :05 pm. Going East, Depart, Arrive. 60 Kansas City and Louis Day Express 7:15 am.
pm. 202. Kansas City, St Louis and Depart New Lexington, York Sedalia and St 10:20 am. 8:00. 7:50 Am.
pm. Louis Express Arrive. 10 Kansas City City, St. St. Louis Louis Limited 6:45 56 Kansas A 7:40 am.
pm. Night Express 8:00 pm. Going East, Arrive RIVER. 201 50. St.
Louis Louis and and Kansas Kansas City City Fast A 8:25 pm. 9:10 Mail 1:14 Depart am. 201 St. Louis, Sedalia and pm, 4:10 pm. ton Express A pm.
1:25 pm. Arrive. St. St. Louls Louis and Kansas Kansas City Lim 53 9:00 am.
Ited 7:15 pm Going West. 1:40 Depart am. Deport 60 Pueblo, Denver, Salt 7:05 pm. den, Portland, Tacoma, Lake, 0g- 11:00 Arrive. am.
attle and California. A 7:15 am. 6:45 pm. Hutchinson pm. 56 Wichita, Arkansas City and am.
204 Colorado, Salt Lake and Depart. pm. fornia Limited Going pm. California, Seattie, Tacoma, Portland, Ogden, Salt Lake. 9:25 am.
Denver and A pm. Hutchinson, Arkansas City and 5:00 Wichita am. pm. 201 California, Balt Lake and pm. rado Limited North 1:14 pm.
Arrive. 202 Oniaba, Lincoln. Going Boux City and Depart 6:46 St. Paul am pm. 10 Omaha, Lincoln, Sloux City, St 6:45 pm.
Going North. A 8:00 Arrive Paul and Minneapolis. Minneapolis, St. Paul. Sioux am, City, Omaha and Lincoln.
A 7:40 am. 203 Minneapolis, St. Paul, Blouz am. City, Omaha and Lincoln. 4:40 pm.
Going south. Depart 60 Leaven worth, Kansas City, JopDepart Hot Springs and Texas. Rock, 7:15 am. In. Fort Smith, Little 13:35 pm.
204 worth, Kansas City and 202 avenworth and Kansas am. Joplin A 0:55 pm. 8:30 56 Leavenworth, Kansas City, pm. dian Little Rock, Territory, Hot. Fort Springs Smith, and Arrive.
Texas A DIR 6:10 pm. Joplin City A 10 Leavenworth, Kansas and 8:00 Going South. Texas, Hot Springs, Little Rock, Fort Smith, Joplin, Kansas 6:50 9:30 am. City and Leaven A 8:25 pm. 53 Texas, Hot Springs, Little Rock, Depart.
Fort- Smith. Indian: Territory, 9:50 and Joplin 201 Kansas Olty. A A par Kansas City, Leavenworth and 3:30 pm Joplin 7:40 Central Branch Division. 8:30 pm. 60 Concordia, Downs 7:15 am.
Depart am. Hastings Lenora. VA 8:00 pm. Arrive Depart 203 Stockton, Downs Concordia. A 4:40 pm.
Lenora, Hastings Concordia. 4 00 am. 8:25 Arrive am. ST. JOSEPH GRAND ISLAND RAILWAY.
7:00 am. 1 Fairbury, Hastings, Going West. Grand Is- Depart land and Pacific Const 7:00 pm. Fairbury, Hastings, Grand pm. pm.
land and A 0:46 Going West. Arrive am. 6:30 pm. St. Joseph, Kansas City, South 9:40 and East 1:00 am Depart.
am. 4 St Joseph, Kansas City. South 9:35 pm. and Bast 4:30 pm 6:55 Going South. Depart am.
104 10. City city, South and andid. 7:46 pm. South 8:15 Arrive Going Sour Joseph, North and 8:20 pm. 105 St.
JO HAND Depart. A- Daily. Daily -0 keep 1:46 pm. Daily except Saturd cent. Bo am.
Belt 6:40 pm. Notice Chars audress 9:50 and B. 4:20 7:25 am. pm. nO MEDICAL INSTR Arrive.
Stat! CHIC Robert ST. PAUL, MINN. 1:25 pm. Obit pm. CURED.
25 YEARS ESTABLIS 8:10 pm 200 page treatise on Piles, Fistula and Diseases el treatise on Diseases of Women, Of the thessants 9:45 paid cent tif cared we tarnish their on a INTON MINOR, 1030 Oak Kansas COR VITALITY FOR MEN Pills have been cures in use over 60 years by the leaders of thee the worst cases in old and young excesses, or smoking. Cures Lost a Seminal Emissions, Lame Back, Nervous to Marry, Lose of or Com rigor and Nerve 50 sure at hand, Restores CENTS box, for by A writ Address. Bishop Remedy Cale AND EDMOND. AND LUMOND..