i People Pray Rumble On Dc. By The Associated Press tery SAN residents FRANCISCO All the Jicof suburban San Bruno and Millbrae want is a Little quiet fact they. are praying for it. They aiso have ask-: ed the county board of visors to do something about it. They cited these instances: Mrs.
Robert Harrison was sit- -1, Ling in her bathtub when her cell. ing tell in her. Mrs. Dorothy Connell walched: piano in her living room lake uff for the dining room. And the Rev, J.
C. Baldwin salv his new' church sag, settle and take on age before his CyCE. Dozens of other annoyed residents have had similar experiences, The shimmying is caused by a parade of heavily laden dill Trucks before their homes night DON'T FENCE ME IN By The Associated Press IDAHO Clyde Peterson arose before dawn to 20 rieer hunting but found that the! front and back doors couldn't be budged. Pranksters had wound a of chain around the house, effer-' Lively securing both doors and Sealing the windows. Alter sympathetic neighbors.
severed the chain with a cutting torch, Peterson left on his hunt-' ing trip. But he didn't get his deer. PUBLIC NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE October 24, 2945 By authority vested 111 the Director: the Conservalion 011 West Virginia under Article ILL, ton Chapter 20 of the official Code; West Vurginia as and by order made and entered in the CamOrder this 24th day October, 1946. regulations and bag Inc.its for the taking of deer in West ber Virginia 2, fur to the open season, Decen-! 1946, December 7, 1916, both: dates inclusive, shall be as follows: DEER-Onc buck walh DI.C or both: antlers buck dayone the season. The above is applicable ro all sec-! tion: of the regularly established territory 111 the State, with the single! exception of the controlled area within the boundary of Watoga State Park.
in Pocahontas County, where the entire park the exception ol safety zones will bel open the taking of legal bucks and Ar.lerless deer with bow and arrow November 18. 1945, both dates sive. sanse The Pack will alsu be open 10; type ol deer, by publici shooting, one day only, Decenter 2. 1946. All decr must be checked check-! ing and stations or by game proteciore, lagged with legal dees, tags within twenty -four hours after kill.
and under 19 circumstances shall be removed from the county in whiels it Is By taken order without first being tagged. of the Director. (s) Jack Shipman, Director 'Allest: 19) Paul E. Arthur, Executive Sceretary 11-1-S-2-RR PUBLIC NOTICE I will not be responsible for debts OF obligations made by anyone other than myself. HENRY G.
HUDSON, Kilyth. W. Va. Fayette County. W.
Va! P-11-10-S-2-RR PUBLIC NOTICE will not he responsible for debts than myschf. I5ADORE McKINNEY, Aurigo, W. Va. P. 11-10-5-2-GR But Trucks And Night land day.
The trucks are hauling Gilling for San Francisco's new $20,000,000 awpor1. Occasional: dynamite blasts shake the area then. Them supervisors attempled 10 sooth the blasts agitated citizenry by limiting al 10 2,000 pounds of dynamite. The airport filling job will be finished in February but Millbrae. and San Bruno residents expect.
no relief. For a yard highway project, taking dirt from spot, will start immedialeiy and last for munths. DEATHS COUSIN COUSIN, James: ago 19. of died October In a 31st, local hospital Thur day, at 1 p. m.
The body 9 re. nain al the Wright Funeral Hone unn! the funeral tour. Funeral porvice: will be conducted al Mount Veron Ba Church Sunday. November 410, al 2 p. 81., wii: the Rev.
J. Brown officiatBurial wit 1: Me Stan. cemetery. Arrangements by Wright Funeral Home DURHAM DURHAM, James age 34, of Portland. Indiana.
formerly of Berxley, died 231b, al at 3 ins 30 J. annie m. Tuesday. The body October remain at Callee Funeral Home until 1:: funeral hour. Funeral services will be conducted at 11:0 Calico Funeral Horne chapel November 1st, al 2 p.
:0. wn: Alvin Cook Burial will follow in INC: WEducod comelery. The Legion will have charge of tne burial Atrangements by Callee Funeral ilome. LEWIS LEWIS, died Burl Jacob: 42, of in a local hospital Saturday, i November 2nd, at 12.30 a. m.
Thei dy Funeral ll Home be taken from the Callee! at to the residence Sun-13-A cay 1 p.m. to remain until 1130 fun.a! neur. Funeral will be conducted at the Sprague Comli.la Church Monday, November 4th. at 2 m. Burial will follow in the cemetery nt Mount Ta401.
Arrangements by Callee Funeral Home REODEN REDDEN, Paul Edward. age two: weeks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Redden, 323 Lincoln Street. died at 1ite Friday.
November 1st, al 6:30 a. m. The body will te taken from Rose Funeral Home lol Lite home Saturday 10 D. 1:1. Fu-: neral services will be conducted at.
residence Sunday. November at 2:30 p. In. Burial will follow in the Wildwood cemetery. Arrangements by Rose Funeral Hume.
Cards ut Thanks iT, 15 deepest with gratitude sincere that appreciation and we extend to many friends and our neighbars our carnest thanks for the many acts of sympathy during the illness and death of our husband and David Lilly. To Dr. W. K. Cunning-: the Calico Funcial Hone, Elder U.
G. Nichols, tho-e furnished cars, and those who FO willingly sited at his bedside we extend ciat thanks. Mrs. Ada Lilly and Faraly. We desire 10 express 10 our kind neighbors and thoughtful ou; thanks for their many exheartfelt pressions ol during ours, recent bereavement.
the death of our son and lather, Leonard J. Especially do we thank the Calfec Funcral Home. Rev. Alvin J. nished cars.
The beautiful floral ofThomas Joans and those who a were especially appreciated A. E. Fink Martin Backus Mrs. Cur! Price Pierce and Elzidze Fink BRAGG BRAGG, Henry: Age 76 years. of New.
died a1 8 a. Saturday, November 2nd, at lls home. Funeral services pe conducted Monday, November Sun, al 2 p. m. at the home of itis son Elmer Brace.
with the Willie Wills. of Pluto, Ruinal will fol.ow in the Gardner, cemetery at Now. DEATHS Kure Funeral Eloise n. VIS DAVIS, Mrs. Betty 2 ape 58.
Hast Beckicy, died at Monday, October 281h. Funeral services will. be conducted Friday, November Ist, al the Central Street Baptist Church, East Beckles. at 2 with the Rev S. A Aurams officiating.
Burial will follow in the Greenwood to: al Heckles. Arrangements by Wright Funeral lone. In Memoriam In memory of Pit. Dixie Bicadow. who was killed November 1541.
Holland with 41301 Infanay, Timber Wolf Division. He was so young: but waca he marched away He told us. be back some day." Now We are old. and left alone weep, Our Niece Be: IS everlasting sleep. Moline.
tor and Brother. 01 OUr daughter. Mr. Ruth S.innon. '1043 4 ear ago, Novembe: 2.
Gone is the face I loved so dear, Silent the voice I loved to 'Tis The sad but true. wonder why. one loved dear must die. What wwuld 1 give to clap your Your happy face 10 sce, Te Near and co your sintle. Would we world to me.
often sil and of And of you died. To tank rot good-bye. Ecfure you closed your 465. You are cone but rot forzotion, Never will your Cade, Sweetest thoughts ever Round the grave witere you are laid Sadl: by Father and Mother, Mr and Mrs. Charles C.
and Monuments MEMORY'S MASTERPIECE A beanufui monune-a: Is masterpiece of y. 44 craftsmen of en the art of Gorier, we soli will give 111e opportunity (o serve you. ROBERT C. EGNOR MONUMENT WORKS Crab Orchard Dial 3:65 G. D.
Cover. Becklev. Dis W. P. Miffe, Crab Orchard Dial 7497 FUNERAL FLOWERS! Corsages Potted Plants Cut Flowers Orchids Snow Thornton Florists Open Sunday's Dial 7371 Prince Street Lost, Found, Strayed STRAYED from my place October 16.
white and red spotted male hound. Arc Shewsbery. Ridge Avenue, wearing collar with large ring. Notify or dial 3592. Reward, COST work license No.
Red. C. R. Bower, Coal City. VALUABLE Reward tor information' leading 10 location cow and- formation leading 10 artest of sons sicaling 001 farm Friday night, October 25 Cow 15 light red mixed Jersey-Shorthorn.
unite speckled. one crumpled Ella J. Rupert, Rupert. W. Va.
LOST medium need all red haunn. female wearing collar. Nadford. Pines View, $95 Reward. Dial 4053.
LOST October 23rd ladies gold wrist waich, sold extension bracelet, Re. 4 did. Dial 5204. 33th. black COW With: witle STRAYED from 01: plare.
rouei wearing stork yard ear lac, last Seen on Mount Tabor Road Reward for information. Coleman Parking ComDial 5524. STRAYED 02e red cair, white face: one call. color unknown. last -re 1:1 of Spraque hollow.
tie. ward for information. Coleman Pack. InA Company. Dial 5522.
LOST near Cool Ridge one red dog, one blue lick gyp, one spotted gyp, last heard runn: tex neur Mount View. My nante! and address on collars warn turned 10090 Fader notify me and receive! tiberal A. G. Wilros, Danjols, W. Va Buckles 417B LOST near Skelton black male hound.
waste face. piece out 01 ear. Reward Willard Hedrick. House 16. W.
Va. STRAYED from pace 28th light Jersey cow. large hell. collar Notify llarvey Webb or James GroCrab Orchard. Reward.
Wallpapering and Painting FLOOR And Dial 4104. Dewey T. Wra11 FAINTING. floor sanding and finishsober. Industrious workinen Andrews Dial 3414 PAINTING; also furniture repainted pickup.
deliver, Phone Lester 348 FLOOR sanding and finishing. paint. In. 3550 or 7287. FOR and paper hanging dia W.
Harvey. PAINTING. interior and exterior. house repairing. suber, honest work.
A. Callatian. Dial 7466. WALLPAPERING and painting Perdue Brothers. Dial 5859 or 5502.
11 Phulographers KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Special an: 121 Quil.ly Service Pantog: apine materials and for amatem and Chemicals, a :003 11.0 supplies. Slal acrested. HING PHOTO SUPPLY 529 Neville S'. Dial 9553, Beckicy 14 Cleaners, Launderers DYEING. army clotac4, women's EATme overcoal-.
draperars. Write for information now. Yooler's. since 1911 Charles Md. IM Educational Instructions E.
Parrish, teacher piano Dial 5526 DIESEL HAS A FUTURE male. is rapidly replacing steams and gas engines on radruads, ship-, factories, Jarmn and road power plants. Lightcr Imic: pen trage new tractors. aireiaft, autos. Opportuni110.
for men 11! Dirs2l operaton and maintenance herr and growIng. Prepare for L. PAne firnce by pracucal spare trainDetails free. Wine Unities Die. el Training, Box A-111, care of leis paper.
241 Protessional Directory GOOD tanKing and howl When we let you with glasses give you the shape complimentary to your facc. Kinzer, Beckley' Leading Oplometrist. Main St I0 a. m. to 5 p.
Sat. 10 to 12 4 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Dial 6352. 22 Repair Service LILLY'S AcTrigeration Service.
com mercia! and durnestic, 1504 Soull: St. Dial 1180. "I stand for the tradi- "I stand for the aboltional concept of ishment of all by representa- born and any other lion. it will be my task unnccessary agencies, to oblain for the home the climination of warfolks all benefits of time powers which a good government." democratic administra. lion still holds ou Lo." JUDGE HAROLD H.
NEFF FOR CONGRESS "I stand for a flat 20 per cent decrease in personal income tax. I stand for the abolition of the bureaucrats and the tax-caters who are such a drain upon the productive enterprise of this nation." HAD ENOUGH? VOTE REPUBLICAN! (Pol. Adv.) 52 Hepalr Service RADIO free and pickup ar.d refrigerator dell repalr service. Radio Refrigeration Service. Dial 6532.
COMPLETE General Electric appliance Nison Ca work Dial guaranteed Beckley repair service All 3305. SMITH and Walnut Wilhams Woodworking Shop. beside Lane, off Serillo Street, Lewis Chevrotet Co. Diai 6679, Cabinet making, truck beds furniture repons, Reneral office and honic tepairs. sell and install storm and scieer.
cows and duets. FOR stove und (mace repairs, call Cremens. Dias 4115. FOR stove and furnace repairs cali C. 8 Wilson Vial 6630.
WATERPROOFING BASEMENT AND WALLS W. S. Gregg Panne 4628 Gas Conversion Burners Floor Furnares and Gas Elenters ty. Appliance FURNACE WINKLER PIPE STOKERS. SUPPLIES 50, South Ate, W141 35:1 TRUCK SHOVEL Air compressor, dump tuck.
500 us for excavations, grading. b)l soil ele. Ca Dial 607t. MEMORY SPEAKS H.ISTE? With ROCK OF AGES Bonded Memorials AUCK SEARS 46ES, Monument Co. 510 Virginia Charleston, 54'.
Va Barre, Vermont ay by. The Pork .4 Dealer Gl of Ages IN Fayclie 2ml See our Representative. Wm Fred Davis, Beckley, West Virginia Box 1517 Phone 6098 Sunday Register, Beckley, W. Sunday Morning, November 3, 1940-18 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY (DARLING FORGOT TO TELL You I CAN'T Cool TIRES THIN? COME HERE FOR Dependable GOOD YEAR Extra Mileage Recapping $7.00 WHO CARES! FOR Quality DELICIOUS TASTY Wide Try We'll Go to The DEPOT CAFE OUR MEALS! Foods! Courteous Service! TENDER STEAKS FRIED CHICKEN! Variety Fresh Vegetables Our Homemade Pics DEPOT CAFE Across from C. O.
Depot 110 Soull Oakwood Dial 2168 GOOD YEAR TIRES WILLIAMS TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE 329 Prince Beckley Dial 3389 'S solved! "I had flown about 8 hours with my instructor. Then yesterday he said, 'OK. Take her around "Words will never tell you how wonderful it felt to fly up there, alone, king of my plane, king of miles of sky. I flew the pattern and landed 3 then became a student 'officially qualified to 3 fly solo in a light That was one of the very proudest and happiest moments in my life." Prartically every man and woman between 1A and 60 .111 learn to Ily quite simply, inexpensivels and quickIr with just cizht hours' instruction. You, too.
can be ready for the thrill of your first solo: BeckleyMount Hope Airport, your community field, 14 new airplanes. 5 instructors, and pleasant conveniences are nailing for you. Alread: 3.000 pcuple arc flying--all trained al Reckley-Mount Hope Arport. Thest include business men, ductors. lawyers.
dentists. housewives, scoretaries, hich school students and more than 200 reBurned seterans. YOUR AIRPORT OPERATOR of over 700 Esso Aviation 25 states. Behind every stand the knowledge of 2000 most complete petroleum giant fuck test cells. Unending than 40 ycars' continuous the quality and dependability is a strong link in the chain Dealers that stretches through Esso Aviation product he sells, Esso Rescarch chemists, the laboratories in the world and research coupled with more aviation experience guarantees of Esso products.
Beckley-Mount Hope Airport Onc Mile North on Highway 19-21 H. L. Sessler, Operator Dial 1150 IN THE THE HIGHWAY YOU CAN DEPEND ON Esso.