Av V-' Wliia; SizirSiSsi StfxMMMwSCQU i nmiarrf TYi tt I-' 1, FEBRUARY 21; 1934. WEDNESDAY PAGE TWELVE EOUI tJJ Gillioz Cleared At Second Trial In Taney County IY1C1DRIVE FORM and construction of lightiug facilities for night flying over the route through Springfield, between St, Louie end Tula. With opening of the remote control station, the Oserk which ha a lease on the airport, will add a wire lea course to it school, George M. Prescott. President, aid yesterday.
1 there ere 32 student enrolled in the flying end mechanical course. Gene Fond, operation manager, awl Leonard Trowbridge, pilot, are the LOCAL COMPAIS FI U. S. to Install Teletype and Remote Control Station For Flying Service Guy CowdensTeam Takes First Place With 70 Subscriptions Majority of House Immigra: tion Group Favor Keeping Out Foreigners that destroyed a home for the indigent at Brookville. Pa.
Efforts of firemen from' nearby towns saved the business section of Southern Fines, N. from limes that caused much damage. Thirty-five thousands men got needed employment on New York city streets. Temperatures dropped to sera end below in the midweek and there was snow in many scattered sections. Hew Bids to Be Asked by Springfield Officials on One Project as Kansas City Concern Is Sole Bidder trace of rodent Mood, exalte some who are weak and throws mud ut some who ere strong for no other apparent reason than to' provide saleable copy.
All this la published by a dying newspaper, recently purchased at auction by an old dealer a cold blooded reactionary who was one of the principal guides along the road to disaster of 1929. And the object of Its purchase must have been nothing leas then what It Is doing now to attack men for the piirpaee of destroying measures. (The reference wee to the Washington Poet, currently carrying an anonymous serial on the chief personalities of the Roosevelt administration. The paper Is owned by Eugene Meyer, former governor of the federal reserve board.) '4 011 paper liana tha BIRTH Mr. and Mr.
Willi C. Heddick pf 731 Weal Scott street, announce the birth of a eon yesterday morning In St. John's hospital Mrs. Reddick formerly was Mia Clara Stucki, a nune at St. Johns.
Storm Gives Stay To 3 Condemned CONSTRUCTION TO BEGIN EARLY IN NEXT MONTH Installation of a United States airways teletype end remot control station- In a mom at the municipal airport administration building probably will be started within a few days, it wag revealed yesterday after the perk board end Oserk Airways, Inc, had agreed to a lease on a basis of $1 a year. Equipment to be'lnatllef will be connected, with that at the government airways wireless range station, located about a mile south of the airport. The new move to pert of the program under charge of William 8. Henyon, supervisor of airways extension, who to directing location' 150 Man Are Expected to Be Employed on Jobe Costing Next Awards to Be Made March 15- Two hundred and twenty-one subscriptions for a total (d 93579.33 were reported yesterday noon In the first luncheon meeting of workers in the Y. M.
C. A. financial campaign, showing progress of nearly one-third of the way to the goal of 99000. Guy Cowden's team wee high with 70 subscriptions for $492.50, while R. L.
McDonald's mien were second with 41 subscriptions for $23330. Boxes of candy were awarded Dr, W. C. Cheek end L. O.
Sanderson, who tied for. first In the largest totgl turned In. while C. O. Sperry received candy for the largest number of subscriptions First reports by the teems were as follows: DIVISION Gay Captain CawSaa, Manager Pledges Amount OF THE OLD SCHOOL 3 Dotes of-Foleys Loosens Cough Ttab Mil Far dd jeuw-dediis 4y tuMnl MMla Oouska 4us tonMaanyartaniewlHt, dni Wr.
OM VOLEYW tadar-frfuwi iu Ulutaa. told- avaryubwa Ms na United Praw WASHINGTON, Jeb. 20. The house committee on immigration end naturalisation was called upon today to decide whether the U. 8.
A. could struggle along without Greta Gsrbo, Marie Dressier, EUssa Lendl and Leslie Howard. The committee opened hearings on the Dicksteln bill which would keep alien actors out of the United States unless they obtained permission from the deportment of labor to enter. The overwhelming opinion of the committee seemed to be that America should be reserved for American acton and that George M. Cohan was the greatest thesplan who ever hired a press agent.
Lawrence Langner of the theater guild; Marc Connelly, author of Green Pastures; Arthur Hopkins, New York theatrical producer, and Brook Atkinson, drama critic of the New York Times argued against the bin. Proponent of the measure were led by Rep; Everett M. Dirkeen, democrat, Illinois, who complained that no good shows ever came, to Peoria anyway, mid Rep. -Martin Dlea.democrat, Texas, who offered to' put on. spate, a monocle end brock coat to prove that an "'American could act British role successfully.
No one had any money ato rent a frock BOSTON, Feb. 30. (AP) The executions of three young men scheduled for after midnight tonight at the state prison were postponed -until tomorrow night by Warden Jamee L. HogseU because Robert Elliott, the executioner, wee mow-bound somewhere between New York and Boston. The most severe storm of the winter which crippled transportation facilities throughout New England gave at least another day of life to three men who today were resigned to face death in the electric chair.
They ere Herman Snyder of Boston, John A. Donne lion of Los Angeles and Harry C. Bull of N. Y. Snyder and Donne lion were convicted of the slaying of James Riley, Somerville filling station attendant, while Bull wee sentenced to death for shooting a Greenfield policeman, Harry C.
Jordan, during an attempted filling station holdup. 'By their fruits ye shall know Hirin'- and these are the deed aea apples at envy, futility and frustration. They ere financed and procured by. sharpshooting interests of the old school, who never used the cream, ehiewly- skimmed from the effort of other men, to produce results constructive for the general good. Swinging to NBA'S own program, Johnson said he might be Overemphasizing the Importance of hie J-C, tall the here perfi pure shot fart Max It cotta one llftg the run mill 1 line Ml nor -ll to bet win thr wit tag hsi Today Big Offer to AH Who Have Stomach Agony TTOME town bidden got all the contracts yeeienlay in the city's first letting undej the 81,000,000 sewer bond Issue program.
The sucoewful bidders were Ralph McSweeney, Will P. Plum ir.er, and Harley Vaughn. Awarding of the contracte to Springfield men assured the exclusive use of Springfield labor end materiel either produced or sold In Spring-Held. The contract went to tha lowest bidder In each instance. a M.
E. Gillioa, Monett contractor, yesterday went hto second, trial In a month on a charge of possessing an Illegal deer, and again waa cleared of the charge. The trial yesterday waa held In the court of Justice Benjamin Boone at Branson. It differed from the first In that the deer's antler were produced in court as evidence. Witnesses were the seme, however.
After the case had been' thrown out Of court by a Justice ot the peace at Hollister recently, the attorney general refiled the at Bren- I 1 Bead What Evans Drag Ca Ha id bay Abeat Dare's Mentha Pepsin M. Bonham C. Chart 41 J1S.SS Oartord Durkre Frank Barra Unman CMiaa Bktdmara baby aootinjCi A Baaeaca xrrdlum aad akin lubricant, called Uolhai'aFrland', hclpa tt WIcra and prevent skin tlihtnaaa nbdomlnal tram brenkn dir nkln braaato-. after dcUvcry wrlbklca Mothar'a TVland refrcatiae and town the akin, tiaanac and niuieica It Biaken than auppla, pliant and a las tic. It la aelanttfie In compoaltlcm- BID THROWN OUT is Min DIVISION Vera A.
Devltoas. JUaagrr Csptiln Ptodan Amount K. C. COffrlt a IJJ J. H.
Karrhmcr I J-JJ CIlHdl P. XllUT i iMJ4aa f' Jack McKaa 44.14 Prod MIlH g-g Prank P. ICcAtea a 4 3444 "But what have we here? We have a complete reorganization of our domestic economic structure. We ere departing from an unplanned systtm where labor got what gTeat industries deigned to give it; where consumers were at the mercy of a constant and unchecked combining of industry; where the small employer wee gradually being' eliminated by the increasing power of chain operations Whan you have any trouble with your stomach auch as gas, haavlnrfri-and dtotantlon, why fool- with JUilngr which at beat can only give rollal. Why pot gat a mullein that win build up your upset, disordered atom ach and make It so strong and.
vigorous that it will do Its work without any help. Such a medleln la Mentha Pepsin, a delightful elixir that la sold by Evans Drug Ca end all Uv druggists with tha distinct understanding that If rt doesn't greatly help you your money will ha gladly returned. It hae helped thousand--It will BO doubt help you Ad vertlaement. nf aapaclal alls aad hlptibr bmaOdal lanredlantn anlennSpapplied pure and sat Quickly abaorbaA DallaUtful to u. pralaad by ua are, maar Til Snowbound Sends Wireless to Boss I coat.
over 0 ytare. Millions of kettlae mM. Try it tonistit. Just eric any draifUt tor Mother's Mend. The Bredfldd Oa, tonistit.
Just eric any di bar's ren frta Vernon Bennett, deputy game warden, end four Stone county men who testified a month ago, were the state's witnesses again, with L. V. Yendell, H. G. McQuerter, J.
E. Trout, eqd other prominent Taney county men testifying for GUlioa that It waa a legal deer. Mr. Gil-lloa also took the stand. 8am M.
Wear, Springfield attorney, represented Mr. GlUloa while an assistant attorney general from Jefferson City represented the state. AtlaataTaa Mothers Frieod I loasomo ek MARRIED FOR 26 YEARS, PAIR FETED BY Pour projects were advertised for yesterday's letting, but only one firm, a Rankes City concern, submitted. a bid on the Circle Drive district sewer, eo the council rejected It ami will advertise it again. The lone bid on this project wee more than 43000 higher than the city engineers estimate.
The contractors will have about 10 days in which to close their contracts with the city. Then work can begin. It is expected the first dirt will be turned soon after March 4 4 ly Tki AttociaUA Press BROOKLYN, N. Feb. 30.
"Dekr boss, I'm snowbound and cant come to work." John Cook, 29, ticked this out on hie amateur wireless station at Baldwin, L. where neither trains nor telephones were working. Another station, W3C BE in Jersey picked the message up and telephoned Cook's boss, R. E. Werner, foremen at the Brooklyn Edison plant.
py. ijjiilh 14 Maaaatr Amount 4 TC.M Divmox La NcDtuld. Captain Jew York Johninn JHM I. Balth a C. O.
Snn-rsr Charles Dicker Q. Pearson Ward a'e. LIST OF BIDS I 4- T.Q4 ,14 I.A4. a h.m 3 30 We are seeking a new rule to preserve the conditions of living to which the vast resources of our country and the Ingenuity, skill and devotion, of our people entitle us. NBA to a part of the pitta which the president has plotted to that goal It is Imperfect In Us execution It can be successful only by a wide measure of public support- We cant find out what is the matter with these codes by sitting walled up In Washlngon.
He analysed NBAs Job ss "to see that Industry does not homswsggle labor; that labor does not bullyrag industry; that neither, separately, nor both, In concert, ahall exploit the consuming The projects on which bide were received yesterday ere ex follows: Mr. and. Mr. Jake J. Williams were honored Monday night with surprise party 'at their home, 718 Delmar, the occasion being their twenty-ninth wedding anniversary.
The' evening was spent Informally with conversation -and games Refreshment were served to: Mr. and Mix. H. Daniel Grey of Gaik; Mr. end Mack -A.
Grey, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Relaay, Mr. end Mr. Algle Gray, Mr.
and Mrs Bumess Strain, Mra One Murphy, Mra Mary Herndon, Misses Pauline Grey, Dorothy Retoay, dearie Relsay and Dorothy and -Messrs. Estel Paiien of Ozark, Regal Murphy, Claude Retoay, Jr, end Richard Retoay. This coal Is rood Jecand grads Dap 8 have! Cherokee DENTONS DRUG STORE Colorado Youth Dies in Storm 41 IJJ3.M DIVISION Mr Waller G. Bathkoac. Maaar Pledges Amount i J4.40 Item No.
1 North outfall sawor. engine cm eituaau HS.SH.tS. BMdpr Aflwwit rot Construction Cao- Xtnsos Oltr SW.J4C.13 Plummer, Sprtaffirld Hrrculn Construct too Company, St. Louis Bandy Hitru Company. Kansas City 3S.SI4S4 1 Wllliem A.
Rllcr. M. Louis 34.4TJ.il Ralph Mcentmcy, A8Drtoi(iotM ph Captain LAMAR, Feb. 20. (AP) A whining Jbllxxerd that struck a sparsely settled section near here Saturday brought death to one member of a family and two others Rar Kallv Gnm Bend ra DU(ht Btiulti Hoy A.
Sullivan C. .14 44-44 FUEL OIL 14 4144.44 1,1 eerioua condition from ex- item Na 7 circle Drive' district Psure- sewer, engineers estimate, 16595.51 Paul Albright, died In the ROAD OFFICIALS WIFE WILL BE BURIED TODAY Amount lamp coal and wW keep ysa warm at a low east. 1 DIVISION g. F. Tnwi MiMpr Carttln Pledge Oscar Btem C.
B. Cook I lT.no Ocontr FlemiiuK 4 14.04 C. P. Mlcka 1 14.44 J. Hunt 1 1.04 in A.
Krall 4 11.44 INJURED IN SCUFFLE WHEN GLASS BREAKS storm end hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Albright, are under a physician's care as result of Of the very beat Qualify Prices are always There la on sura way that never falls to remova dandruff completely and that la to dissolve It. This destroy It antirely. To do this.
Just get aomt plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring, using enough to moisten toe scalp and rubbing It In gently with th finger tipe' By morning, moat If not all of your dandruff will ba gone, and two nr three more applications will completely dlaaolv and entirely destroy avery single sign and trace of It, no matter how much dandruff you may bOT4a You will find, too, that aU itching and digging of the scalp will stop Instantly, and your hair will ba lluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and fool a hundred times batter. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It wont coat you more than thirty-five cents (36c). This simple remedy never falls. Adv.
tl 14 J4 DIVTKION M4N Mia. Barra Blaaett. Maaam Phone 88 MERCHANTS ICE and FUEL CO. MOEY Coil tod LamberCo. 416 W.
Chase 8k Phone 89 ribaajlribaal Policeman Places Big Fruit Order Then Nabs Pair Gene Tackett, 836 North Campbell avenue, was undergoing treatment at hto home lest night for a severe cut on the nose suffered In a scuffle with another man. Police, called to quell a disturbance, said Tackett was accidentally cut when a drinking glass In hto hand was shattered against hto face. Pledges Amount sa.oa ,.14 M.TS a. 4 3 30.44 CaaUin J. A.
ftffaean Mr J. C. Dukuouo Mra. O. D.
EUlnt Mra. W. If. Dow Miaa Biiabetk TrlmMo Mrs Ales Waiver ST. JOSEPH, Feb.
20. (AP) Funeral sendees for Mrs. Ada Brush, 44, who suffered fatal Injuries in an automobile accident will be held tomorrow at Ransai City with the Rev. Earl Blackman officiating. Mrs.
Brush was the wife or H. M. Brush, division engineer for the state highway department Brush was transferred here from Ransai city two years ego. Mrs. Brush died soon after the accident near Faucett on U.
8. highway No. 71. The car driven by Brush ran Into the rear of stalled truck, which had Just been hauled on the highway. Brush 'suffered slight Injuries.
'I 's f- t'-Y I 1 i Vi 11.. 1 .5 J5- fe ff fe -I C'-v .1 S' V.Y: rt 41T4.04 1PBC1AL OIFTB COMMITTEE C. O. Martin, Manager Podges Amount 13 OtUO.OO Orand total Hi 93511.34 Amoaat DnTlr-Fryor Cmitructlou Com- pony too avordi Item Na Western district mein, engineer's estimate $4800.04. Wddor Sovto-mrar Coutructlou Cdm- pan? Will F.
Ptummar 9WIM llalpb McCwacnop MH AunM to Harkjr, Vaughn. Sprraifltld 401.1B Item Na 14 Addition to southwest disposal plant, engineer's estimate $32375.10. Blddrr Smaont Hrrtulff ComtruellMi Cn. Jior'c-Pryor Conttruellon Co. M.JSi Neyrr ConotrucLtou BUlmio 3J.JII.S3 Anrdrd to Will P.
Plummrr 31.330 Ma-or Harry D. Durst declared, 1 am quite pleased at the letting of the contracts, end I'm especially glad to see all local men get In on the work. The prices seem fair and reasonable, according to the estimates of the city engineer. The next letting will be about March 15. It will Include Die Phelps street storm sewer, a $60300 or $65300 project.
The three- contracts awarded yesterday will put almost 150 men to work. Detective Riley C. Bolerjick yesterday ordered two truckloads of Texas grapefruit and 20 bushels of oranges, but he hasn't any hopes of receiving the shipment. Posiitgrbs "bootleg fruit salesman. the officer contracted for the purchases, then arrested the salesmen, Ore Smith, 33.
end Gene Abram, 31, both, of Bareoxle, for selling fruit without license. They pleaded guilty In municipal court and paid fines itotallng $3630. Grocer Is Swindled By Pair Pretending To Purchase Stock Mothers drens VISKS TRANSIENT IS INJURED TRYING TO BOARD TRAIN PROVED BY 3 GENERATION! G. W. Hamilton, grocery store operator.
reported to Sheriff Scott Curtis last night that he wee swindled of 11230 by a man and woman, posing as purchasers of the lend on which the store to located. Hamilton, whose store to on highway 13, nine miles north of Spring-field. said the couple told him they purchased the land and then gave hto a $300 check for hto grocery stock. He gave them $1330 change and they drove off, promlsirig to return later. He found the check was bogus when attempting to cash it at a bank here.
John Puiuhon, young transient of Palatka. suffered fractured arm late last night when he fell while trying to board freight tiain north of the- Benton avenue vioduct. Punshon's companion. Don Pinkston, called police who the injured youth to St. John's Pinkston said they were to Palatka to manage a Family Joyful Dads RHEUMATISM Hu Left Him When a man oo crippled with rheu-matlam cannot go to hla daily work and suddenly finds a awlft.
powerful yet aafe preaeription that drive out pam and agony In 48 hotus you can Imagine the Jubilant happtneaa of the whole family as Dad brings home hto pay envelope regularly again, rani Drug glare. Denien'a Drue Start, and leading druailete everywhere cell thia grand pmerlption ALLENRU and think ea much af He mighty power la drive lutu arm acid tana the aynam that they aer-r- ante ana IS rtnt bottle la evar-aaa mow rheumatic pam and aan-W ucr backache. Kittle, neurttia Jgf and lumbaga jutt ae ihli notice were, or money back- a aouaro I deal, la an aulfeiera Ade. Person Who Has Reached Middle Age Should Know Tins They Insist that the only way In which deficits can be cut and new expenditures made is by reducing nrout wages, even If the moat hopeful nrm prospects of better business ere real-' toed. Another factor in the situation Is the widespread protest against railway freight rates and the resultant loss of business by the railroads lo truck end waterway competition.
Operators contend that wage re-. duetlone would pave the way, after business improvement has taken care of deficits, to reductions In Height rates. By this means alone, they say, can the cycle be brought back to show profit for the carrier and eventual return to higher wages. Borne railway labor -groups, notably the shopmen, have not accepted the extension of the 10 per-. cent cut, made effective last October II.
Should arbitration -finally result In a victory for them, they would be in a poeitton to collect considerable amounts In back pay. took hospital. Any the to the diet. If can THE SIGNS Of ACID STOMACH Nhvouwmm VMla af laSISMiMi WMkaaai Aun-intoaicatlaa Sluplwm Naims Manta AcUMj Laaa af Appatila STOMACH GAS RUINS HEALTH AND BEAUTY WHAT TO DO FOR IT TAXI 1 Teaipeonfub af Phtllipa Milk af Maf mm ai a (bus af waitr avery momma wbm yau grt up. Tike another tra-apoonfal Hatty minuM after caiing.
And another before you fo In bed. OR You can taka Phil- bps Milk af Maanaem Tabf Tablets, aubsritulaic one Authorities now tell us that one' of frequent penalties of iniddle-ge acid stomach. A rebellion, of stomach, after yean faulty you have Acid Stomach, vou easily trace it. Headaches, stomach pains alter eating, gas, upsets, nausea era the usual indicaliniM. Tt rid of it, all you need da it this: TAKE 2 teaspoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in a glasa of Stomach gaa that causae loss of deep aad rest ruins your health and your beauty! Evan people who hive uttered for yeere from stomach troubles caused by acid stomach are getting relief from Blama-Res, a new, delicious tasting antacid powdar.
lama-Rex brings tasting relief, too! Oat it today at Denton Hezall Drug Store. DENTON'S DRUG STORE tlhtet tar each teatpaoe-ful directed above. MEDIATORS MEET SOON water every morning when you get ill thii up. Take another tcasjMonful thirty headaches. That aflemoon fa*g 5 nu think is depletion or "nerves' isappeare.
You feel like another person. When you buy, be sure to get the BEAL, article Genuine PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia, the kind doc Ion endorse. Always ask for it by the name PHILLIPS for all "milk of magneaia" is not alika BUSINESS IS BETTER New That Hto EYE! Are Perfect a lak beUtr: ha aadairiaa The new proposal far reduction Will he put Into the hands of the federal board of mediation, meeting with representatives of operators and labor. The first meeting to scheduled for March 1 in Chicago. If mediation falls to bring nient, the question will be turned over to an arbitration board, which would sit as court of last resort generally believed that the railroads latest proposal has been made as a bargaining measure with the intention of com promising by mMng permanent, the 10 percent temporary cut i President Roosevelt has asked continuance of the temporary cut ae a means of avoiding a possible v.
s- AUO IN TA9UT fORM minutes after eating. And another before you go to bed. Or you can lake Phillips Milk of Magnesia Tablets; substituting one tablet for each teaspoonful of the liquid end get the same result. Try It-You Will Amazed Try this end, chances are, tt wiH make a great difference in your lifa For this smell dosage of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia arts to neutralize the stomach acids that cause your distresi. After-meal paint and-discomfort ga You feel froedmf from dull an ware after Mag aatea- Ullaallr fitted with Take a I says to her, anil you'll know there ain't no artificial flavoring in OLD GOLD.
That' 6. G. tobacco don't need Each lily tabM Urn equivalent af a tcaipeonf id af Gen. ume rtullipa' Milk of Magriwu. Dr.
F. H. McClernon rutt to OR Tss Pw-Breos aeaeadoeal Hollywood Orchestra every Wadnasday "--uMt AMERICA'S Phillips MEMBER Na R. Ag MILK Of MAGNESIA OrTOMETBWT Beathweat Corner SL Lento and Jeff eras Phene d7 CIGARETTE V'eVS. I.