What is the Factorial of 100? (2024)

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Want to the know the Factorial of Hundred? The right answer is 9.332622e+157 (Factorial of 100). Check the Process and Formula to calculate the Factorial in this article.

Posted bylokeshsharma Published On August 2nd, 2024 Leave a comment on What is the Factorial of 100?

What is the Factorial of 100? (1)

Table of Contents

The definition of factorial can be said as integer ‘n’ which is either equal to or more than 0. The symbol of factorial is indicated by “!”. For example, the factorial of 5 is 5x4x3x2x1, which is equal to 120. Therefore, 120 is the factorial of 5!. The understanding of factorials depends heavily on the understanding of algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, number theory, graph theory, etc.

Factorial of 100

For the factorial of 100 we need to understand that 100 consists of more than 10 whole numbers. Having such huge numbers means that it is unlikely to follow each step and calculate the factorial of 100.

Therefore the factorial of 100 can be represented by:

n! = n*(n-1) *(n-2) *(n-3) ….3*2*1

Here n is a natural number that is more than or equal to 1, therefore, by understanding the above formula we can say that if n is equal to 0 then n! would be 1.

So if we use the formula to calculate the factorial of 100, it can be said that the factorial of 100 would be equal to 9.332621544 E + 157.

Finally, we can say that:

100! = 100x99x98………………..3x2x1 = 9.332621544 E + 157. (What is the Factorial of 100?)


100! = 9.332621544 E + 157

What is Factorial?

The factorial of a whole number is a function that multiples the number by every natural number below it. In mathematics, factorials are observed commonly in the process of permutations and combinations. To understand the meaning of factorial check the representation below:

“n!” or “nfactorial” means:

n! = 1 · 2 · 3 · … · n.

The product of first n integers is n(n-1)(n-2)……(2)(1)

Formula of Factorial

To find a factorial of an integer one can either simply use the n (n – 1) (n – 2) ….1 method or can multiply the factorial value of the previous integer with the integer n! = n × (n – 1)!. The table below contains the representation and use of both ways to find the factorial of an integer.

Formula of factorial
n Factorialn (n – 1) (n – 2) ….1Resultn! = n × (n – 1)!Result
1 Factorial1111
2 Factorial2×122×1!2
3 Factorial3x2x163×2!6
4 Factorial4x3x2x1244×3!24
5 Factorial5x4x3x2x11205×4!120
6 Factorial6x5x4x3x2x17206×5!720
7 Factorial7x6x5x4x3x2x15,0407×6!5,040
8 Factorial8x7x6x5x4x3x2x140,3208×7!40,320
9 Factorial9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x13,62,8809×8!3,62,880
10 Factorial10x9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x136,28,80010×9!36,28,800

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Hi! I'm Lokesh Sharma, a passionate content writer specializing in educational technology. 3 years in the EdTech industry have sharpened my skills in crafting educational content that cuts through the noise. I transform complex topics into engaging pieces that empower my readers. Let's leverage the power of knowledge to revolutionize education, together.

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What is the Factorial of 100? (2024)


What is the Factorial of 100? ›

The answer of what is the factorial of 100

What is the factorial of 100 voice commands? ›

When Google Assistant is asked what the factorial of 100 is, the following text is displayed on the screen: 9.332622e+157. Google Assistant answers the question verbally, speaking out every digit of the answer.

How many zeros are in 100 factorial? ›

Hence number of 0s in the end of 100! =24.

How can I calculate factorial? ›

Factorial of a positive integer (number) is the sum of multiplication of all the integers smaller than that positive integer. For example, factorial of 5 is 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 which equals to 120.

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Answer: Thus, the required fraction will be 100 / 1.

Any number can be represented in the form of a fraction.

What is the factorial of 100 thank you? ›

Answer: The aproximate value of 100! is 9.3326215443944E+157. The number of trailing zeros in 100! is 24. The number of digits in 100 factorial is 158.

What is 100 factorial exact? ›

100 factorial = 100 × 99 × 98 × .... × 3 × 2 × 1 = 9.332621544 E+157. This product is too big to calculate manually and hence a calculator is used.

Is factorial of 0 possible? ›

Factorial of a number in mathematics is the product of all the positive numbers less than or equal to a number. But there are no positive values less than zero so the data set cannot be arranged which counts as the possible combination of how data can be arranged (it cannot). Thus, 0! = 1.

What is Googleplex factorial? ›

A googolplexbang is equal to \(10^{10^{100}}! \) or \(\text{googolplex!} \) or the factorial of a googolplex. This number is slightly smaller than a fzgoogolplex. Aarex Tiaokhiao coined facgoogolplex for this number.

What is 200 factorial? ›

The factorial of 200 is 78865786736479050355236321393218506229513597768717326329474253324435944996340334292030428401198462390417721213891963883025764279024263710506192662495282993111346285727076331723739698894392244562145166424025403329186413122742829485327752424240757390324032125740557956866022603190417032406235170085 ...

What is the factorial rule? ›

In short, a factorial is a function that multiplies a number by every number below it till 1. For example, the factorial of 3 represents the multiplication of numbers 3, 2, 1, i.e. 3! = 3 × 2 × 1 and is equal to 6.

How to quickly solve factorials? ›

To do factorials, start by determining which number you're computing the factorial for, which will be the number that's in front of the exclamation point. Then, write out all of the numbers that descend sequentially from that number until you get to 1. Finally, multiply all of the numbers together.

How do you explain factorials? ›

A factorial is a mathematical operation that you write like this: n! . It represents the multiplication of all numbers between 1 and n. So if you were to have 3! , for example, you'd compute 3 x 2 x 1 (which = 6). Let's see how it works with some more examples.

How many digits are there in 100 factorial? ›

The factorial of 100 is the multiplication 100 x 99 x 98 x … x 3 x 2 x 1 in which 100 is multiplied by every whole number below it. The answer is 158-digits long.

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30 more rows

What is the factual of 100? ›

The factors of 100: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and 100. So, there are 9 factors of 100.

What is the factorial of hundred pronounce? ›

The number 100! (pronounced aloud as “one hundred factorial”) is the number produced when all the numbers from 1 to 100 are multiplied together. That is, 100!

How do you calculate Factorials in your head? ›

To do factorials, start by determining which number you're computing the factorial for, which will be the number that's in front of the exclamation point. Then, write out all of the numbers that descend sequentially from that number until you get to 1. Finally, multiply all of the numbers together.

How much is a googol factorial? ›

= ( 10 100 ) ! Using Stirling's approximation of n! ≈√2πn(n/e)n. ≈ 2 π n ( n / e ) n , a google factorial is about 2.5×1050×(G/e)G 2.5 × 10 50 × ( G / e ) G .


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