CBS Evening News With Norah O'Donnell : KPIX : August 8, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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and grab him. and when i did, the tree stump broke in half. so i'm glad we were out there when we did. i have three children of my own, one being a 5-year-old, so to have him hold on to me tightly like that, it really felt like it was my own kid holding on to me. >> after the boy was carried out of the water, he was medically cleared and returned to his family. cbs evening news up next on kpix, local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. we're back here in 30 minutes with cbs news bay area at 7:00. see you then. >> mr. president. >> major: tonight, former president donald trump agrees to debate vice president kamala harris. >> these debates, i think it's very important that we have them. i think they will be very revealing. >> major: while he attacks the democratic presidential nominee. >> everything she has touched

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has turned bad. she is incompetent. >> major: how harris is responding. >> we are not falling for these folks who are try todivide us. trying to separate us. trying to pull us apart. >> major: the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪ good evening, everyone. i'm major garrett in for norah. america will see donald trump and kamala harris on the debate stage just over a month from now. late this afternoon, both nominees agreed to hold their first debate on september 10th, with more debates possible. the former president was the first to break the news at a mar-a-lago press conference this afternoon. that's where he blamed harris for everything, from high prices to illegal immigration to the supposed decline of san francisco. cbs's caitlin huey-burns was in the room asking questions, and she starts us off tonight from west palm beach, florida. >> if she becomes president, our country is going to be a giant fail. >> reporter: in an hour-long press conference at his

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mar-a-lago resort today, former president trump aimed to knock vice president kamala harris out of the headlines. how have you recalibrated your strategy to compete against harris? >> i haven't recalibrated strategy at all. it's the same policies, open borders, weak on crime, she's -- i think she's worse than biden. >> reporter: and he called her out for not taking questions directly from reporters since she became the nominee. >> she doesn't know how to do a news conference. she is not smart enough to do a news conference. >> reporter: no harris press conference is on the calendar, but at least one debate is. they will be on stage together on september 10th, and trump says he has agreed to two other dates, as well. trump also addressed the "cbs sunday morning" interview with president biden. >> are you confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power in january 2025? >> if trump wins, no, i'm not confident at all. i mean, if trump loses, i'm not

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confident at all. he means what he says. >> of course there will be a peaceful transfer. and there was last time. and there will be a peaceful transfer. i just hope we are going to have honest elections. >> reporter: but it wasn't peaceful on january 6th, 2021, when a mob supporting trump attacked the capitol, trying to prevent the certification of the election. he falsely inflated the number of migrants encounters at the border over the last four years, more than doubling the actual total of 8 million. >> 20 million people came over the border in the last -- during the biden-harris administration. 20 million people. and it could be very much higher than that. we are going to start the largest mass deportation in the history of our country. >> reporter: harris continues to focus on battleground states and voters, meeting with uaw members in detroit. >> i'm glad that he has finally agreed to a debate on september 10th. i'm looking forward to it. and i hope he shows up. >> reporter: harris will head

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to the border state of arizona for a rally on friday. top trump campaign officials told us today that they don't believe the fundamentals of this race have changed, but they did acknowledge that their own polling shows that kamala harris has been successful in rallying the democratic party base and has made significant gains among black voters. major? >> major: eventually the fundamentals and the polls become one. caitlin huey-burns, thank you. debby, now a tropical depression, is pounding the carolinas after making a second landfall overnight near charleston. torrential rains, dangerous flooding, and at least six tornadoes were reported in north ansouth carolina, destroying homes and killing one person. cbs's cristian benavides reports from a tornado-damaged small town about 50 miles east of raleigh. >> we are having a lot of flooding down here, so please pray for us. >> reporter: at 10:00 p.m. on wednesday, market on main shop owner emily dowless got a call from the fire department that her business was flooding. she rushed over and took this

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video. >> pray that this water will subside and we can salvage some stuff. it was no flooding whatsoever last night, and then within 30 minutes, it was coming in our door, so it happened very quickly. >> reporter: bladenboro, north carolina is a one-stop-light town. and dowless' family store is among at least five that flooded. they spent the day cleaning up. >> this is our family's livelihood, so we have a lot of employees and different families that depend on this business, so it means a lot. >> it is at your door in minutes. >> reporter: across the street, mark hester, owner of the medicine shoppe, the only pharmacy in town, is doing the same thing after being up all night. >> it's a business that we need to keep running. we can't just shut it down because people are going to be needing their medicines here pretty soon. >> reporter: statewide, tens of thousands are in the dark. >> water is up to their shin. they are holding on to a limb

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right now. >> reporter: but there was a ray of light in raleigh today. three children trying to cross a rushing creek were nearly swept away when emergency crews saved them after another child called 911. within minutes they were reunited with their parents. >> andrew, he held onto a branch, and then it broke, and then he slid down and he held on. and then we just one at a time fell again. >> reporter: at least three tornadoes from the storm were recorded in north carolina overnight. of raleigh, one of those tornadoes ripped away and tore away the walls of this middle school. that same tornado, which ripped through that middle school, also killed a man in this home right behind me. his neighbors rushed in, trying to help, but they couldn't. a search-and-rescue team recovered his body this morning. the flood threat in north carolina continues into next week, and right here where we are at, we are still under a tornado watch. major?

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>> major: with the voices and the stresses, cristian benavides, thank you so much. debby is moving up the east coast, bringing more rain with it. derek beasley, chief meteorologist from cbs baltimore is tracking the storm. derek, good evening. >> major, of course, we are continuing to track now tropical depression debby that has been causing problems across the southeast here over the past couple of days. now it is the mid-atlantic and is tracking the storm. derek, good evening. >> major, of course, we are continuing to track now tropical depression debby that has been causing problems across the southeast here over the past couple of days. now it is the mid-atlantic and northeast united states' turn as it continues to head its way off toward the north. as you can see, those rain bands extend further to the south, for several tornado warnings across parts of virginia and north carolina. that tornado threat is going to spread northward overnight tonight. along with that, we are going to have heavy rain threat that is going to affect areas just west of the mountains of virginia to the adirondacks. that tornado threat is going to continue into the morning and afternoon hours tomorrow for much of the i-95 corridor from baltimore and philadelphia all the way up towards the new york city metro and even parts of new england getting in on the severe weather threat.

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the good news is, as opposed to what we saw the last several days with a very slow-moving debby, it is going to be picking up speed and should be out of the area by the time we head towards the weekend. major? >> major: derek beasley, thank you so much. cbs news has obtained new body cam video of the moment local police confronted a would-be assassin just before he opened fire on former president trump last month. there is no audio on this part, but you see an officer with a butler township police department signaling for a boost, so he can check out the roof where we now know the gunman was positioned. the officer grabs onto the ledge, hanging on for about two seconds before he drops down and takes off running. moments later, he is back at his patrol car, describing what he saw. >> this close, bro, then he turned around on me. he is straight up. >> major: a secret service sniper shot and killed the gunman seconds after he opened fire. tonight, cbs news has learned more about the plot to attack a

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taylor swift concert in vienna, austria. the suspect who was planning an attack outside the concert told investigators he was prepared to die, with the intent to kill as many fans as possible. investigators he was prepared to die, with the intent to kill as many fans as possible. more now from cbs's nicole sganga. >> welcome to the eras tour! >> reporter: the world's highest-grossing tour in music history stopped in its tracks by a terror threat. authorities say this 19-year-old suspect pledged allegiance to the islamic state last month and planned to pose as police, driving a bomb-filled car into crowds outside the stadium before attacking fans with knives. >> [speaking in a global language] >> reporter: austria's interior minister called the situation serious, saying a tragedy was prevented. police say they combed through the teen's home. >> [speaking in a global language] >> reporter: and found machetes, knives, timers, and explosives. they also found bomb-making materials, according to a source familiar with the investigation, plus an emergency siren. investigators believe that device would be used to get through security with suspects disguised as law enforcement.

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also in custody, a 17-year-old alleged accomplice who was working for a contractor at the concert venue. today, throngs of fans took to the streets in solidarity. ♪ players going to play play play play play ♪ would-be concertgoers, shaking it off, gifting friendship bracelets to police officers. even without the shows, austria's taylor nation still singing her lyrics in defiance. [crowd singing] as for the finale of swift's european tour, set for wembley stadium in london next week, the shows will go on. british authorities say there is no indication of any threat to her u.k. performances, major. >> major: stay calm and swift on. nicole sganga, thanks so very much. president biden called the governor of hawaii and the mayor of maui county today to mark one year since those horrific

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wildfires ravaged maui. more than 100 people were killed and the town of lahaina nearly wiped out. cbs's jonathan vigliotti has done extensive reporting on the disaster and recovery and has this update. >> reporter: in lahaina today, a uniquely hawaiian ceremony. hundreds paddling out honoring the memories of the 102 people who died. their community, their way of life, ripped apart by the nation's deadliest wildfire in more than a century. the haunting images of burned-out cars along historic front street are gone. what remains is a barren landscape. how difficult has the last year been for you? >> you know, we've got some good days, some bad days. >> reporter: glenn and lehua i'i lost their home of 23 years, and like so many others are in limbo. crews have cleared out about 95% of the 2200 structures leveled in lahaina, but only 47 building permits have been approved. when do you hope to break ground on your new home?

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>> we have no idea now. >> reporter: hawaii's governor acknowledged the frustration as he preaches patience. how do you comfort people who have lost so much? >> we all are aware that we were heartbroken. the first year was survival, and we turned the corner. we start talking more about rebuilding. >> reporter: he admits lahaina will never look the same given two potential climate driven threats: rising sea levels and the risk of another wildfire. today, though, is all about reflection. you lost so much, but you have your family. >> but we have one another. we have our family. >> and so many people lost their family, you know. i always try to hide my emotions, but when i... looking at her... [sobs] always, you know, i want her to be happy. >> reporter: and a lack of housing has added to the pain. the i'is have moved six times in the last year. new housing was unveiled yesterday and now there is a

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debate campaign to turn vacation rentals into long-term housing. major, the governor saying it is portent to prioritize survivors. >> major: jonathan vigliotti, that you so very much. good news on the u.s. economy including stronger than expected corporate earnings are lower-than-expected jobless claims added up to the strongest day for the s&p 500 since 2022. the dow posted impressive gains, while the nasdaq and s&p jumped by more than 2%, nearly wiping out the losses from monday's sharp sell-off. the nationwide listeria outbreak linked to deli meats has claimed more victims. the details next. ♪ ♪ lp y keep living life with the ones you love. ask your doctor about farxiga today. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections,

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(♪♪) with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪♪) (♪♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection.

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there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. >> major: u.s. health officials gave an update today on the listeria outbreak linked to boar's head deli products. a third person has died and nine additional cases have been reported, bringing the total to 43. boar's head has recalled more than 7 million pounds of deli meats nationwide. costco is cracking down on shoppers who don't pay for memberships. costco members will now be required to scan their cards before entering all stores, while guests will only be allowed inside with a valid costco member. the move comes as the retail giant is boosting its membership fees next month for the first time since 2017. "eye on america" is next, with the age-old question about retirement: how much money do you need? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ retirement: how much money do

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you need? ♪ ♪ etal creaking] [camera zooming] ♪ [window slamming] woman: [gasps] [dog barking] ♪ woman: [screams] ♪ [explosion] [explosion] ♪ [lock clicks shut] can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy.

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♪ ♪ >> major: tonight, we begin exploring an anxiety-producing question: do i have enough saved for retirement? nearly 40% of households face a lower standard of living in retirement. over the next few months, "eye on america" will examine the uncertainties of retirement and retirement planning. and we start with jill schlesinger, and a couple in florida who had retired but are now back on the job. >> reporter: this is certainly not part of larry gesick's retirement plan. the 77-year-old electrician by trade leaves at 5:30 a.m. and heads for his part-time job unloading trailers at a local supermarket in st. petersburg, florida, for $14.75 an hour. his wife, joyce, 66, prepares for her workday, making $14 an the 77-year-old electrician by trade leaves at 5:30 a.m. and heads for his part-time job unloading trailers at a local supermarket in st. petersburg, florida, for $14.75 an hour. his wife, joyce, 66, prepares for her workday, making $14 an

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hour as a full-time legal administrator. >> it's not really a retirement. >> reporter: what is it? >> it's working every day. >> reporter: the gesicks came out of retirement not because they wanted to, but because they had to, and are among the 11 million americans, one in five over 65, who are still working. >> it's hard, 77, still busting my butt. >> so i call it the work, retire, repeat syndrome. >> reporter: labor economist teresa ghilarducci says work is the new retirement. >> more than half of the people who are retired right now do not have enough money to be retired. >> reporter: who's to blame for all of this? >> i blame policymakers who experimented with our retirement system 40 years ago, and they are not saying the experiment failed. >> reporter: that experiment is what we know today as the 401(k), named after a part of a

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1978 law that offered companies an alternative to the traditional pension plan. >> the thought was that americans just needed a little bit of financial literacy, and they could just save on their own. >> reporter: but in fact, many of today's older workers were never taught enough about saving and investing for retirement. >> i grew up on a farm. nobody there instructed any of us to put money aside and make your own way later on down the road. >> reporter: whether you are past 65 like the gesicks, or almost their ages, there are a few rules of the road to keep in mind. basically, everyone needs a plan. first, figure out when it's best to claim social security. next, fund an emergency reserve. still working? set aside 6-12 months worth of living expenses. already retired? make it 1-2 years' worth. and keep that reserve in a safe, easily accessible interest-bearing account.

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like many working americans, the gesicks were more doers than savers. they drained their 401(k)s. >> i think to us it felt more like a savings account than to focus on i need to have this piled up to actually live on. >> reporter: they have a mortgage, a car loan, and are paying down about $12,000 in other debt, but even with social security, some old pension funds, and their paychecks, money is tight. all of these expenses and the debt pay down leaves you with very little money every month, right? >> yes. >> reporter: how much is that? >> $50. >> reporter: had the gesicks waited until age 70 to claim social security, they would be collecting more. can you look at a time where you feel like you can breathe a little more easily, or are you still under stress? >> yeah, it's stressful now, but i think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. >> reporter: getting there won't be easy. for "eye on america," jill schlesinger in st. petersburg, florida. >> major: american sprinter noah lyles goes for another medal while battling covid.

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and the surprise honor for the most decorated woman in u.s. olympic history. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: tonight's "eye on america" is sponsored by prudential. protecting retirements and your life's work. who's your rock? your life's work. who's your rock? her retirement. ♪♪ there's us. she raised us on her own. ten years as my roller derby wife. three. three schools she's opened. she's a mother. i think we turned out alright. — she's a friend. our mother's could tell stories. — she's a teacher. she may be retiring but she's not done. i'm never gonna stop! retirement is the sum of your life's work. now what? get income for life and protect your life's work with prudential. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me ♪ (♪♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪

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>> major: at the olympics, the u.s. men's basketball team, after trailing underdog serbia most of the game, used a frantic fourth-quarter comeback to advance to the gold-medal game. cbs's jamie yuccas is following all the action in paris. >> reporter: sprinter noah lyles came up short in the 200-meter, taking the bronze. the fastest man alive, who struggles with asthma, had trouble breathing after the race and needed the help of a wheelchair. later, lyles announced he tested positive for covid two days ago, but kept it close to the vest because he didn't want other competitors to know. also on the track, sydney mclaughlin-levrone won gold, beating her own world re rd in the 400-meter

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>>and good evening to you. i'm juliette goodrich long lines, frustrated commuters this long lines, frustrated commuters, this evening a nightmare for thousands of b.a.r.t. riders. stations just re-opening after a computer xlich caused a long slog to get home. >> it's been annoying but not too frustrating. just a minor setback. a first in the nation fleet

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of electric school buses launching right here in the bay area. and it offers more than just a ride to school. >> we never knew when he reached his destination. we never knew if there were stops along the way, if there were any problems, and it was always a constant worry. and you could call it the sounds of summer. we are just hours away from one of the biggest weekends in san francisco. how they're getting ready for outside lands. >> it's special is all i can say. it's really part of the fabric of san francisco. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening, no doubt it's been a painful commute this evening for thousands of b.a.r.t. riders, but we just learned four east bay b.a.r.t. stations have now re-opened after they were shut down for hours because of a computer glitch. our andrea nakano is joining us live from the bayfair station in san leandro. >> reporter: this was the final stop going south on the green

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A weeknight survey of major news stories, human-interest segments and interviews with newsmakers, anchored by Norah O'Donnell.

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CBS Evening News With Norah O'Donnell : KPIX : August 8, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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